M&G European High Yield Credit Investment Fund EUR W Acc/  LU2377004572  /

NAV19/12/2024 Var.-0.1542 Type of yield Focus sugli investimenti Società d'investimento
106.9922EUR -0.14% reinvestment Bonds Europe M&G Luxembourg 

Performance mensile

  gen feb mar apr mag giu lug ago set ott nov dic Totale
2023 - - -0.96 0.26 0.38 0.11 1.21 0.00 0.47 -0.01 2.92 2.88 -
2024 1.15 0.26 0.62 -0.11 1.03 0.54 1.16 1.26 1.01 0.59 0.49 0.67 -

Calculated values

  YTD 6 mesi 1 anno 3 anni 5 anni
Volatilità 1.71% 1.42% 1.69% -% -%
Indice di Sharpe 3.80 5.80 3.89 - -
Mese migliore +2.88% +1.26% +2.88% - -
Mese peggiore -0.11% +0.49% -0.11% - -
Perdita massima -0.79% -0.69% -0.79% - -
Outperformance - - - - -
Tutte le quotazioni in EUR


Nome   Type of yield Prezzo di riacquisto 1 anno 3 anni
M&G Eur.High Y.Cr.Inv.Fd.E GBP H paying dividend 97.0216 +11.28% -
M&G Eur.High Y.Cr.Inv.Fd.A USD H paying dividend 98.6671 +11.44% -
M&G Eur.High Y.Cr.Inv.Fd.E USD H reinvestment 114.6283 +11.52% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 98.6893 +11.55% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 97.0026 +11.17% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 112.4056 +11.17% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 112.7656 +11.28% -3.28%
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 114.2694 +11.42% -
M&G Eur.High Y.Cr.Inv.Fd.E EUR reinvestment 165.4061 +9.83% +8.82%
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 92.7762 +9.83% -1.31%
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 93.0509 +9.70% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 93.0028 +9.43% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 93.0119 +9.48% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 107.8462 +9.70% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 106.9922 +9.44% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 107.1252 +9.49% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... reinvestment 122.2087 +9.00% -
M&G European High Yield Credit I... paying dividend 110.1572 +9.00% -


6 mesi  
1 anno  
3 anni     -
5 anni     -
10 anni     -