Стоимость чистых активов26.07.2024 Изменение+0.0676 Тип доходности Инвестиционная направленность Инвестиционная компания
9.0028USD +0.76% paying dividend Bonds Worldwide Wellington (LU) 

Инвестиционная стратегия

The Fund seeks long-term total returns (income and capital appreciation). The Investment Manager will actively manage the Fund, seeking to achieve the objective by allocating its assets across a broadly diversified portfolio of both direct and derivative credit instruments, including emerging market debt, high yield debt, and bank loans. The Fund primarily invests, either directly or via derivatives, in bonds (fixed or floating rate) issued by corporate, government, agency, or supranational issuers globally, bank loans, mortgage and other asset-backed securities, convertible bonds, fixed income ETFs and cash and cash equivalents. The Fund invests in higher-yielding sectors of the credit market and has no limitations on the credit quality of individual securities, however the average credit quality of the Fund should generally be expected to be B- or better. The average duration of the Fund will generally range between 2-6 years. Derivatives will be used to hedge (manage) risk and/or volatility and for investment purposes (such as gaining exposure to a security, to create leverage and/or a short position). Derivatives will form a significant part of the strategy and will impact performance.

Инвестиционная цель

The Fund seeks long-term total returns (income and capital appreciation). The Investment Manager will actively manage the Fund, seeking to achieve the objective by allocating its assets across a broadly diversified portfolio of both direct and derivative credit instruments, including emerging market debt, high yield debt, and bank loans.

Основные данные

Тип доходности: paying dividend
Категории фондов: Bonds
Регион: Worldwide
Branch: Bonds: Mixed
Бенчмарк: -
Начало рабочего (бизнес) года: 01.10
Last Distribution: 28.06.2024
Депозитарный банк: State Street Bank International GmbH Luxembourg Branch.
Место жительства фонда: Luxembourg
Разрешение на распространение: Luxembourg
Управляющий фондом: -
Объем фонда: 1.41 млрд  USD
Дата запуска: 13.12.2021
Инвестиционная направленность: -


Эмиссионная надбавка: -
Max. Administration Fee: 0.45%
Минимальное вложение: 5,000,000.00 USD
Deposit fees: -
Комиссионные, взимаемые фондами взаимных инвестиций при погашении акций: -
Упрощенный проспект: -

Инвестиционная компания

Товарищества на вере: Wellington (LU)
Адрес: 280 Congress Street, 02210, Boston,Massachusetts
Страна: United States of America
Интернет: www.wellington.com



