03.10.2024  21:05:15 Zm. - Wolumen Bid- Ask- Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
158,6000USD - 423
Obrót: 47 580
-Wolumen Bid: - -Wolumen Ask: - 34,08 mldUSD - -

Opis działalności

Thales S.A. provides integrated solutions and equipment to meet the security requirements of its government and private-sector customers in the aeronautics, space, transport, defence and security markets. Its business portfolio is based on the business sectors: Defence, Security, Ground Transportation, Aerospace and Space. The Defence sector is supporting the armed forces in gaining and sustaining decision-making and operational superiority in conventional theatres, urban combat and cyberspace. Security Division is developing integrated solutions, resilient networks and value-added services to protect citizens, sensitive data and critical infrastructure. In the Ground Transportation segment, Thales helps its customers boosting the capacity and efficiency of transportation systems with improved safety, lower costs and better passenger services. The Aerospace sector is providing avionics, air traffic management and training & simulation systems and equipment. In addition, Thales Alenia Space, a joint venture between Thales and Finmeccanica, offers designing, developing and deploying orbital infrastructure, satellite systems, ground segments and services for space programmes. Thales S.A. has sales and industrial sites in all five continents, enabling it to maintain strong relations with its domestic. Thales S.A. is headquartered in Paris, France.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Jeff Connolly
Warwick Strachan, Julie Bown, Philippe Bernard-Flattot, Max Kufner, Troy Stephen, Philippe Chamoret, James Couche, Ronán Carolan, Ross Lederhose, John Best, Brad Crockett, Andrew Downes
Rada nadzorcza
Duncan Lewis AO DSC CSC, Stephen Loosley AM, Jeff Connolly, Chris Jenkins, Belinda Hutchinson AC, Michel Mathieu, Alex Cresswell, Warwick Strachan, James Couche

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Thales S.A.
Adres: 31 Place des Corolles – CS 20001,F-92098 Paris La Défense
Telefon: +33-1-57778000
Fax: -
E-mail: -
Internet: www.thalesgroup.com
Przemysł: Przemysł
Sektor: Lotnictwo
Podsektor: Aeronautyka i obrona
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 46,00%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: -
Telefon: +33-1-57778902
Fax: -
E-mail: ir@thalesgroup.com

Główni akcjonariusze

Other shareholders
French State (a)
Dassault Aviation