03.09.2024  17:12:20 Zm. -3,50 Wolumen Bid- Ask- Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
405,00CHF -0,86% 30
Obrót: 12 185,25
-Wolumen Bid: - -Wolumen Ask: - 578,45 mlnCHF 3,71% 20,93

Opis działalności

Schweiter Technologies is a traditional Swiss group focused on the machinery business and the recently acquired business unit focused on composites. The group currently consists of the two divisions "3A Composites" and "SSM Textile Machinery". 3A Composites is the global market leader in core materials for sandwich constructions, particularly for use in wind farms. The company is also a leading player in other segments, such as composite panels for high-quality facades and display applications. Its best-known brands are Airex®, Alucobond Baltek®, Dibond®, Forex®, Gator®, Kapa® and Sintra®. In the division Textile Machinery, SSM is the leader in yarn processing and precision winding, offering advanced winding systems for a wide application.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Roman Sonderegger
Urs Scheidegger
Rada nadzorcza
Heinz O. Baumgartner, Daniel Bossard, Dr. Jacques Sanche, Lars van der Haegen, Stephan Widrig, Vanessa Frey, Beat Siegrist

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Schweiter Technologies AG
Adres: Hinterbergstrasse 20,CH-6312 Steinhausen
Telefon: +41-757-77-00
Fax: +41-757-70-01
E-mail: info@schweiter.com
Internet: www.schweiter.com
Przemysł: Przemysł
Sektor: Inżynieria
Podsektor: -
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 55,54%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Martin Klöti
Telefon: +41 41 757 77 00
Fax: -
E-mail: investor@schweiter.com

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