2024. 10. 04.  21:45:10 Vált. +0,400 Forgalom (db) Vétel22:00:01 Eladás22:00:01 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
14,500EUR +2,84% 0
Forgalom: 0.000
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 463,92 mill.EUR 3,09% 16,74


NORMA Group is a global market and technology leader in Engineered Joining Technology solutions, with more than 60 years of manufacturing and product-development experience. It has a global network of manufacturing facilities and numerous sales and distribution sites across Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific. The Group manufactures a very comprehensive range of innovative joining-technology products in the clamp, connect and fluid categories and occupies a leading position as a solution provider. Its dedication to quality and its technological leadership has won NORMA Group the confidence of over 10,000 customers in more than 100 countries.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Guido Grandi
Annette Stieve, Dr. Daniel Heymann
Mark Wilhelms, Erika Schulte, Miguel Ángel López Borrego, Rita Forst, Denise Koopmans, Dr. Markus Distelhoff


Név: Norma Group SE
Cím: Edisonstraße 4,D-63477 Maintal
Telefon: +49-6181-6102-740
Fax: +49-6181-403-210
E-mail: info@normagroup.com
Internet: www.normagroup.com
Ipar: Technológia
Szektor: Other Technology Industries
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 43,15%
IPO dátum: 2011. 04. 08.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Andreas Trösch
IR telefon: +49-6181-6102-741
IR Fax: +49-6181-6102-7641
IR e-mail: ir@normagroup.com


Naptár 45 | 2024. 11. 05. Harmadik negyedéves ideiglenes beszámoló