2024. 10. 04.  17:35:27 Vált. -0,040 Forgalom (db) Vétel17:40:00 Eladás17:40:00 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
10,900EUR -0,37% 1,27 mill.
Forgalom: 13,9 mill.
10,800Vétel (db): 500 11,100Eladás (db): 2 280 10,47 mrd.EUR 3,21% 30,70


Inwit S.p.A. specializes in the electronic communications infrastructure sector in Italy. The company builds and manages digital and shared infrastructures, which houses the radio transmission equipment of mobile, FWA, and IoT telecom operators; provides pylons for antennas, cables, and dishes; spaces for equipment; and technological systems for power supply and air conditioning systems for developing wireless networks, sensors, IoT, and VDS. It also offers management, development, and backhauling services; acquires stations for development of the network; manages contracts for the sale or leasing of land; and design sites and obtain permits, as well as provision of statistical and structural assessments, and building work for development and installation of infrastructures.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Oscar Cicchetti
Oscar Cicchetti, Stefania Bariatti , Laura Cavatorta, Antonio Corda, Pietro Guindani, Sonia Hernandez, Christine Roseau Landrevot , Quentin Le Cloarec, Rosario Mazza , Secondina Giulia Ravera, Francesco Valsecchi
Stefano Sarubbi, Maria Teresa Bianchi, Giuliano Foglia, Roberto Cassader, Michela Zeme


Név: Inwit S.p.A.
Cím: Via Giorgio Vasari 19,IT-20135 Milano
Telefon: +39 0254106032
Fax: +39 0255196874
E-mail: -
Internet: www.inwit.it
Ipar: Technológia
Szektor: Hardver és felszerelés
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 36,90%
IPO dátum: 2015. 06. 22.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Fabio Ruffini
IR telefon: -
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: ir@inwit.it


Naptár 45 | 2024. 11. 07. Harmadik negyedéves ideiglenes beszámoló

Fő részvényesek

Central Tower Holding Company B.V.
Daphne 3 S.p.A.