15/11/2024  17:31:45 Chg. +0.80 Volume Bid17:31:45 Demandez à17:31:45 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
149.30CHF +0.54% 5,217
Chiffrre d'affaires: 776,422.10
-Bid taille: - -Ask la taille: - 7.94 Mrd.CHF 4.21% 28.57

Description de l'entreprise

Helvetia Holding AG is active in the life and none-life business, and also offers customised specialty lines and reinsurance cover. Its business activities focus on retail customers as well as small and medium-sized companies and larger corporates. After the merger with Swiss National Insurance Company Ltd - Nationale Suisse - in October 2014, Helvetia is one of the leading insurance providers in Switzerland and provides services to more than five million customers. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, the insurance group has an international presence and routes some of its investment and financing activities through subsidiaries and fund companies in Luxembourg and Jersey. The Group is headquartered in St.Gallen.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Fabian Rupprecht
Conseil d'administration
Annelis Lüscher Hämmerli, André Keller, Martin Jara, David Ribeaud, Sandra Hürlimann, Juan Estallo, Thomas Neusiedler, Esther Roman, Bernhard Kaufmann
Conseil de surveillance
Dr. Thomas Schmuckli, Dr. Hans Künzle, Dr René Cotting, Beat Fellmann, Dr. Ivo Furrer, Dr. Gabriela Maria Payer, Dr. Andreas von Planta, Regula Wallimann, Dr Yvonne Wicki Macus, Luigi Lubelli

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Helvetia Holding AG
Adresse: Dufourstraße 40,CH-9001 St.Gallen
Téléphone: +41-58-280-1000
Fax: -
Courriel: info@helvetia.com
Internet: www.helvetia.com
Industrie: Financial
Secteur: Insurance
Sous-secteur: -
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: 65.90%
IPO date: -

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Peter Eliot
Téléphone IR: +41-58-280-5930
IR-Fax: -
E-mail IR: investor.relations@helvetia.ch

Principaux actionnaires

Patria Genossenschaft
BlackRock, Inc.