GAMA FUNDS - Global Short-Dated Opportunities F Acc EUR/  LU2092461800  /

NAV19.07.2024 Diff.-0,0400 Ertragstyp Ausrichtung Fondsgesellschaft
104,1000EUR -0,04% thesaurierend Anleihen weltweit FundPartner Sol.(EU) 


This Sub-Fund is a medium-risk vehicle aiming to provide income and capital growth in the reference currency of each share class, by investing in worldwide debt securities and via the use of credit default swaps ('CDS') indices. It may be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 3 years and more. The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate risk-adjusted returns of 2% per annum over cash rates in the medium term with a realized volatility of less than 3%. There can be no assurance that the investment objective will be achieved. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund has no benchmark index and is not managed in reference to a benchmark index. The Sub-Fund will be invested in a diversified portfolio reflecting global opportunities across the entire fixed income universe, in particular CDS indices, while keeping a low interest-rate exposure. The Sub-Fund will mainly invest directly in worldwide debt securities with remaining legal maturity of less than three years of any type (including money market instruments) issued by corporate, government-related or sovereign issuers as well as through CDS indices. The portfolio is expected to hold a majority of issuers from OECD-countries. Except for this geographical focus, the choice of investments will neither be limited by country (including emerging markets), economic sector nor in terms of currencies in which investments will be denominated. The Sub-Fund will be exposed to investment grade and non-investment grade debt securities (including non-rated debt securities) in proportions that will vary according to financial market conditions and investment opportunities. The Sub-Fund may also invest in any other type of eligible assets, such as structured products, UCIs and cash.


This Sub-Fund is a medium-risk vehicle aiming to provide income and capital growth in the reference currency of each share class, by investing in worldwide debt securities and via the use of credit default swaps ('CDS') indices. It may be suitable for investors with an investment horizon of 3 years and more. The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate risk-adjusted returns of 2% per annum over cash rates in the medium term with a realized volatility of less than 3%. There can be no assurance that the investment objective will be achieved. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. The Sub-Fund has no benchmark index and is not managed in reference to a benchmark index.


Ertragstyp: thesaurierend
Fondskategorie: Anleihen
Region: weltweit
Branche: Anleihen Gemischt
Benchmark: -
Geschäftsjahresbeginn: 01.10
Letzte Ausschüttung: -
Depotbank: Pictet & Cie (Europe) S.A.
Ursprungsland: Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassung: Schweiz, Luxemburg
Fondsmanager: Jérôme Strecker, Rajeev De Mello, Christophe Forest, Manuel Streiff
Fondsvolumen: 192,8 Mio.  EUR
KESt-Meldefonds: -
Auflagedatum: 18.09.2020
Investmentfokus: -


Ausgabeaufschlag: 0,00%
Max. Verwaltungsgebühr: 0,20%
Mindestveranlagung: 20.000.000,00 EUR
Weitere Gebühren: 0,06%
Tilgungsgebühr: 0,00%
Wesentliche Anlegerinformation: -


KAG: FundPartner Sol.(EU)
Adresse: 15A, avenue J. F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxemburg
Land: Luxemburg




Asien (gesamt)
Afrika (gesamt)