Dynasty SICAV - Chahine Dynasty High Yield 2028 - Class I EUR/  LU2585150563  /

NAV2024. 07. 19. Vált.-0,0200 Hozam típusa Investment Focus Alapkezelő
110,8500EUR -0,02% Újrabefektetés Kötvények Európa Dynasty AM 

Befektetési stratégia

The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to provide positive returns over medium to long term, through the selection and holding until maturity of the Sub- Fund on 31 December 2028 of a portfolio of fixed income asset classes, markets and fixed income financial instruments. The Sub-Fund is actively managed and is not managed in reference to a benchmark. The Sub-Fund does not offer any form of guarantee with respect to investment performance and no form of capital protection applies. The investment policy of the Sub-Fund consists in holding a portfolio of fixed income securities until the maturity of the Sub-Fund on 31 December 2028. Such securities will have, at the time of their acquisition, an attractive yield, taking into account the creditworthiness of their issuer. The maturity or early reimbursement dates (call and put) of the fixed income securities held in portfolio will not exceed the maturity of the Sub-Fund by more of one year (i.e. 31 December 2029). The Sub-Fund will invest up to one hundred percent (100%) of its net assets in fixed income securities essentially denominated in Euro (75% minimum) and mainly issued by European issuers (excluding Chinese and Russian issuers), such as standard bonds, convertible bonds or similar fixed income instruments, perpetual bonds with an early redemption (call or put) date before 31 December 2029, Money Market Instruments having a rating of at least "BBB-" (Standard & Poor"s) or any equivalent rating granted by a recognised rating agency. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 10% of its net assets in equities (as a result (or not) of the conversion or restricting of bonds or similar fixed income instruments), warrants, futures, listed options and OTC derivatives. Standard bonds as well as convertible bonds will not have a minimum rating at the time of their acquisition. Exposure to High Yield or unrated bonds will therefore be possible up to 100% of the net assets of the Sub-Fund. Derivatives instruments may only be used in the context of hedging the Sub-Funds assets against the interest rate risk and the foreign exchange risk. The commitment resulting from such transactions and contracts may not exceed the Sub-Funds assets.

Befektetési cél

The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to provide positive returns over medium to long term, through the selection and holding until maturity of the Sub- Fund on 31 December 2028 of a portfolio of fixed income asset classes, markets and fixed income financial instruments.


Hozam típusa: Újrabefektetés
Alapok Kategória: Kötvények
Régió: Európa
Ágazat: Kötvények (többféle)
Benchmark: -
Üzleti év kezdete: 01. 01.
Last Distribution: -
Letétkezelő bank: UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch
Származási hely: Luxemburg
Elosztás engedélyezése: Svájc
Alapkezelő menedzser: -
Alap forgalma: 15,23 mill.  EUR
Indítás dátuma: 2023. 04. 03.
Befektetési fókusz: -


Kibocsátási felár: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,50%
Minimum befektetés: 10 000 000,00 EUR
Deposit fees: -
Visszaváltási díj: 2,00%
Egyszerűsített tájékoztató: -


Alapkezelő cégek: Dynasty AM
Cím: 16, avenue Marie-Therèse, 2132, Luxemburg
Ország: Luxemburg
Internet: www.dynasty-am.lu



