2024. 11. 13.  19:14:13 Vált. -0,110 Forgalom (db) Vétel19:15:06 Eladás19:15:06 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
8,065EUR -1,35% -
Forgalom: -
7,920Vétel (db): 250 8,130Eladás (db): 250 3,39 mrd.EUR - -


Drax Group plc is one of the UK’s largest energy producers. Drax Group has three principal activities: Sourcing fuel, Generating electricity and Supplying power and compressed wood pellets to customers. The company includes the subsidiaries Drax Power Limited, Haven Power, Billington Bioenergy and Drax Biomass. Drax Power generates electricity that is sold in the wholesale market and through its supply business,Haven Power. The company has successfully upgraded the UK’s biggest power station through innovative engineering, they are now a predominantly biomass-fuelled generator. 70% of the electricity they produce is now made using compressed wood pellets rather than coal.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Will Gardiner
Andy Skelton, Jason Shipstone, Miguel Veiga-Pestana, Paul Sheffield, Karen McKeever, Hillary Berger, Laurie Fitzmaurice, Lee Dawes
Andrea Bertone, David Nussbaum, Erika Peterman, John Baxter, Kim Keating, Nicola Hodson, Will Gardiner, Andy Skelton, Rob Shuter


Név: Drax Group plc
Cím: Drax Power Station,UK-Selby NorthYorkshireYO8 8PH
Telefon: +44-1757-618381
Fax: +44-1757-612192
E-mail: enquiries@draxpower.com
Internet: www.draxgroup.plc.uk
Ipar: Energia és közművek
Szektor: Energiacégek
Alszektor: Elektromos közművek
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: -
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Mark Strafford
IR telefon: +44-1757-612491
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: mark.strafford@drax.com

Fő részvényesek

Bank of America Corporation
Schroders plc
Invesco Limited
Orbis Holdings Limited