Titel   Optionsart Basiswert Laufzeit Basispreis Geld Brief Impli. Omega  
BNP Paribas Call 125 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 125.00 0.840 0.870 0.29 5.01
Morgan Stanley Call 144 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 144.00 0.380 0.390 0.27 6.39
Soc. Generale Call 120 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 120.00 1.22 1.26 0.25 4.81
BNP Paribas Call 115 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 115.00 1.260 1.290 0.32 4.25
BNP Paribas Call 125 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 125.00 0.840 0.870 0.29 5.01
Morgan Stanley Call 146 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 146.00 0.350 0.360 0.27 6.51
Soc. Generale Call 120 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 120.00 1.210 1.250 0.25 4.81
Soc. Generale Call 100 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 100.00 2.20 2.26 0.25 3.72
BNP Paribas Call 150 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 150.00 0.260 0.290 0.27 6.93
Morgan Stanley Call 122 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 122.00 0.980 0.990 0.30 4.75
BNP Paribas Call 150 6MK 19.12.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 150.00 0.260 0.290 0.27 6.93
Soc. Generale Call 100 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 100.00 2.190 2.250 0.25 3.72
BNP Paribas Call 160 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 160.00 0.160 0.190 0.21 9.04
Morgan Stanley Put 100 6MK 19.12.2025   Put MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 100.00 0.510 0.520 0.20 -6.03
BNP Paribas Call 160 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 160.00 0.160 0.190 0.21 9.04
Morgan Stanley Put 125 6MK 19.12.2025   Put MERCK CO. D... 19.12.2025 125.00 1.45 1.46 - -
Soc. Generale Call 140 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 140.00 0.610 0.640 0.25 5.97
Morgan Stanley Call 110 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 110.00 1.54 1.55 0.22 4.77
Soc. Generale Call 140 MRK 19.12.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.12.2025 140.00 0.610 0.640 0.25 5.97
Soc. Generale Call 110 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 110.00 1.54 1.59 0.26 4.55
Soc. Generale Call 120 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 120.00 1.08 1.12 0.26 5.27
Morgan Stanley Call 200 6MK 19.09.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.09.2025 200.00 0.060 0.068 0.33 7.98
Soc. Generale Call 130 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 130.00 0.740 0.770 0.26 6.02
Soc. Generale Call 110 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 110.00 1.530 1.580 0.26 4.55
Soc. Generale Call 120 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 120.00 1.070 1.110 0.26 5.27
Morgan Stanley Call 170 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 170.00 0.100 0.108 0.24 9.61
Soc. Generale Call 130 MRK 19.09.2025   Call Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 130.00 0.730 0.760 0.26 6.02
Soc. Generale Put 80 MRK 19.09.2025   Put Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 80.00 0.220 0.240 0.38 -4.59
Soc. Generale Put 100 MRK 19.09.2025   Put Merck and Co Inc 19.09.2025 100.00 0.570 0.590 0.33 -4.22
Morgan Stanley Call 125 6MK 19.09.2025   Call MERCK CO. D... 19.09.2025 125.00 0.740 0.750 0.31 5.41
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