Name   Dista. Opt. Underlying Maturity Bid Ask Strike price Knock-out Lev. Perf. 1Y  
DE000PE8YVM0   4.54% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 2.280 2.290 847.21 889.57 Yes +28.98%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   51.02% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.900 5.910 456.42 456.42 Yes +16.90%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   46.03% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 502.94 502.94 Yes +17.85%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   58.71% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 384.76 384.76 Yes +17.29%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   39.11% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 540.37 567.39 Yes +17.97%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   36.63% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 590.51 590.51 Yes +18.78%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   46.03% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.460 5.470 502.94 502.94 Yes +17.20%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   58.71% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 6.560 6.570 384.76 384.76 Yes +16.58%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   39.11% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 5.100 5.110 540.37 567.39 Yes +17.78%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   36.63% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.660 4.670 590.51 590.51 Yes +18.02%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   28.10% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 670.01 670.01 Yes +19.45%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   30.95% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 643.44 643.44 Yes +19.09%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   28.40% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 635.48 667.25 Yes +19.10%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   32.96% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 594.97 624.71 Yes +18.77%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   28.10% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 3.930 3.940 670.01 670.01 Yes +19.15%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   30.95% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.170 4.180 643.44 643.44 Yes +18.52%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   28.40% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.230 4.240 635.48 667.25 Yes +18.54%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   32.96% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 4.600 4.610 594.97 624.71 Yes +17.99%
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   0.11% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,008.85 1,008.85 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -32.53% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,409.00 1,338.55 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -39.51% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,409.00 1,409.00 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   0.29% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 959.16 1,007.12 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   0.11% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 0.800 0.810 1,008.85 1,008.85 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -32.53% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless 2.920 2.930 1,409.00 1,338.55 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -39.51% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless 2.930 2.940 1,409.00 1,409.00 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   0.29% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless 1.250 1.260 959.16 1,007.12 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   13.13% Call O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 877.42 877.42 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -41.76% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,507.12 1,431.77 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -59.19% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,607.77 1,607.77 Yes -
BNP Paribas Knock-Out ORLY   -19.35% Put O Reilly Automo... Endless - - 1,205.39 1,205.39 Yes -
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