NAV09/07/2024 Diferencia-0.2300 Tipo de beneficio Enfoque de la inversión Sociedad de fondos
205.7500EUR -0.11% reinvestment Mixed Fund Worldwide Carmignac Gestion 

Estrategia de inversión

The fund targets a performance above that of its reference indicator over a recommended investment period at least three years. It is managed on a discretionary basis by the fund manager, who pursues an active asset allocation policy, mainly involving funds invested in international equities and bonds. The reference indicator comprises 20% compounded €STR, 40% MSCI AC WORLD NR (USD) index, calculated with net dividends reinvested, and 40% ICE BofA Global Government Index (USD unhedged), calculated with net coupons reinvested. It is rebalanced each quarter. The MSCI and BofA indices are converted into EUR. Between 50% and 100% of the fund's assets are invested in investment funds, primarily Carmignac funds or, failing that, external funds. The main performance drivers are: (i) Equities: Up to 65% of the fund's net assets may be exposed to equity funds or equities traded on Eurozone and/or international markets, including a potentially significant portion (up to 100% of the equity portfolio) in emerging economies. (ii) fixed income products: Primarily through investment funds, between 30% and 110% of the fund's net assets are invested in transferable debt securities (short- and medium-term), money market instruments, and fixed or floating rate government or corporate bonds, which may be linked to inflation in the Eurozone and/or international markets. Up to 100% of the portfolio of debt securities and money market instruments may be invested in emerging market debt securities and money market instruments.

Objetivo de inversión

The fund targets a performance above that of its reference indicator over a recommended investment period at least three years. It is managed on a discretionary basis by the fund manager, who pursues an active asset allocation policy, mainly involving funds invested in international equities and bonds. The reference indicator comprises 20% compounded €STR, 40% MSCI AC WORLD NR (USD) index, calculated with net dividends reinvested, and 40% ICE BofA Global Government Index (USD unhedged), calculated with net coupons reinvested. It is rebalanced each quarter. The MSCI and BofA indices are converted into EUR.

Datos maestros

Tipo de beneficio: reinvestment
Categoría de fondos: Mixed Fund
Región: Worldwide
Sucursal: Mixed Fund/Balanced
Punto de referencia: 20% €STR kap.,40% MSCI AC WORLD NR (USD), 40% ICE BofA Global Government Index
Inicio del año fiscal: 01/01
Última distribución: -
Banco depositario: BNP Paribas, S.A.
País de origen: France
Permiso de distribución: Austria, Germany
Gestor de fondo: Pierre-Edouard Bonenfant
Volumen de fondo: 242.2 millones  EUR
Fecha de fundación: 01/01/2002
Enfoque de la inversión: -


Recargo de emisión: 4.00%
Max. Comisión de administración: 1.50%
Inversión mínima: 0.00 EUR
Deposit fees: -
Cargo por amortización: 0.00%
Prospecto simplificado: Descargar (Versión para imprimir)

Sociedad de fondos

Fondos de empresa: Carmignac Gestion
Dirección: 24 place Vendome, 75001, Paris
País: France


Mutual Funds

