UI - Hansabay Blossom Fund - Anteilklasse Q USD/  LU1856017816  /

NAV22/07/2024 Diferencia-0.4600 Tipo de beneficio Enfoque de la inversión Sociedad de fondos
131.0700USD -0.35% reinvestment Alternative Investments Worldwide Universal-Inv. (LU) 

Estrategia de inversión

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate long term positive absolute returns from long/short trading, primarily but not exclusively in, Taiwanese equities. The Sub-Fund invests its assets according to its investment strategy This is a Sub-Fund equity investment strategy with a unique approach. The Sub-Fund targets an absolute return with manageable risk across market cycles. The Sub-Fund would normally have between 15 to 30 long positions and 10 to 50 short positions, and maintain a long bias. The long bias is based on the generally positive outlook for Taiwan and a vast target universe. A long short opportunity arises due to frequent dislocations in the Taiwan market, expressed through sector rotations and biases, and often caused by international fund flows and sentiment. 80 - 100% of the fund will be invested in Taiwan (on a gross basis) through issuers in Taiwan or the United States. Investments may also be made in issuers from Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea or other parts of the world. The Sub-Fund is actively managed. This Sub-Fund is not classified as a product promoting environmental or social characteristics within the meaning of the Disclosure Regulation (Article 8), nor as a product with sustainable investment as its objective (Article 9).

Objetivo de inversión

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to generate long term positive absolute returns from long/short trading, primarily but not exclusively in, Taiwanese equities. The Sub-Fund invests its assets according to its investment strategy

Datos maestros

Tipo de beneficio: reinvestment
Categoría de fondos: Alternative Investments
Región: Worldwide
Sucursal: AI Hedgefonds Multi Strategies
Punto de referencia: -
Inicio del año fiscal: 01/10
Última distribución: -
Banco depositario: State Street Bank International GmbH, Luxembourg
País de origen: Luxembourg
Permiso de distribución: -
Gestor de fondo: -
Volumen de fondo: 19.42 millones  USD
Fecha de fundación: 30/11/2018
Enfoque de la inversión: -


Recargo de emisión: 5.00%
Max. Comisión de administración: 0.37%
Inversión mínima: 50,000.00 USD
Deposit fees: 0.03%
Cargo por amortización: 0.00%
Prospecto simplificado: -

Sociedad de fondos

Fondos de empresa: Universal-Inv. (LU)
Dirección: 15, rue de Flaxweiler, 6776, Grevenmacher
País: Luxembourg
Internet: www.universal-investment.com


Alternative Investments


United States of America


US Dollar
Singapore Dollar