NAV03/07/2024 Chg.+0.9400 Type de rendement Focus sur l'investissement Société de fonds
123.9400EUR +0.76% paying dividend Equity Europe Tocqueville Finance 

Stratégie d'investissement

Investment strategy on European companies with market capitalisatons of over EUR 250 million and paying regular cash dividends. The investment objectve is to ofer a dividend yield that beats that of market while maximising the appreciaton of the invested capital. The investment approach is primarily "botom-up" (i.e. focused on fundamentals) with the possibility of taking positons on promising macro-economic themes. The investment universe is centred on three categories (security, fexibility and growth) with partcular focus on the dividend policy and its sustainability over tme. Partcular atenton is paid to portolio constructon (balanced portolio, no biasis) and to risk management (liquidity, volatlity, underlying risk exposure).

Objectif d'investissement

Investment strategy on European companies with market capitalisatons of over EUR 250 million and paying regular cash dividends. The investment objectve is to ofer a dividend yield that beats that of market while maximising the appreciaton of the invested capital. The investment approach is primarily "botom-up" (i.e. focused on fundamentals) with the possibility of taking positons on promising macro-economic themes. The investment universe is centred on three categories (security, fexibility and growth) with partcular focus on the dividend policy and its sustainability over tme.


Type de rendement: paying dividend
Fonds Catégorie: Equity
Région de placement: Europe
Branche: Mixed Sectors
Benchmark: MSCI Europe NR
Début de l'exercice: 01/01
Dernière distribution: 22/05/2024
Banque dépositaire: BNP Paribas Securites Services
Domicile: France
Permission de distribution: Switzerland
Gestionnaire du fonds: Pierre Coiffet, Yann Giordmaïna
Actif net: 213.5 Mio.  EUR
Date de lancement: 07/02/2001
Focus de l'investissement: -


Surtaxe d'émission: 0.00%
Frais d'administration max.: 1.20%
Investissement minimum: 1,000.00 EUR
Deposit fees: -
Frais de rachat: 0.00%
Prospectus simplifié: -

Société de fonds

Société de fonds: Tocqueville Finance
Adresse: 36, quai Henri IV, 75004, Paris
Pays: France






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