NAV2024. 07. 19. Vált.-0,1700 Hozam típusa Investment Focus Alapkezelő
116,3400EUR -0,15% Újrabefektetés Kötvények Világszerte FundPartner Sol.(EU) 

Befektetési stratégia

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to offer the investor a largely diversified investment vehicle offering an exposure to global bond markets. Bond markets are split into different asset classes and are selected on the basis of expected return, expected volatility and historical correlation among them. The Sub-Fund follows a diversified investment approach. The Sub-Fund does not guarantee the achievement of this objective. Investment policy The Sub-Fund is actively managed with no reference to a benchmark. The Sub-Fund will invest: - minimum 50% in UCITS and other undertakings for collective investment (UCIs) and/or Trackers reflecting the performance of Global investment grade government bond markets and/or Global investment grade corporate bond markets; - up to 20% in UCITS and other UCIs and/or Trackers reflecting the performance of global inflation linked bond markets; - up to 10% of its net assets in UCITS and other UCIs and/or Trackers mainly investing in the global high yield bond markets; - up to 10% of its net assets in UCITS and other UCIs and/or Trackers mainly investing in emerging market bonds; - up to 10% of its net assets in real estate via UCITS and other UCIs and/or Trackers tracking the evolution of real estate markets via investments in listed real estate companies. Real estate has proven its anti-inflationist role and thus differs diametrically from classic bonds. Furthermore, returns on real estate are positively correlated to the general level of prices due to the indexation of rents aligning them on the inflation.

Befektetési cél

The objective of the Sub-Fund is to offer the investor a largely diversified investment vehicle offering an exposure to global bond markets. Bond markets are split into different asset classes and are selected on the basis of expected return, expected volatility and historical correlation among them. The Sub-Fund follows a diversified investment approach. The Sub-Fund does not guarantee the achievement of this objective. Investment policy The Sub-Fund is actively managed with no reference to a benchmark.


Hozam típusa: Újrabefektetés
Alapok Kategória: Kötvények
Régió: Világszerte
Ágazat: Kötvények (többféle)
Benchmark: -
Üzleti év kezdete: 01. 01.
Last Distribution: -
Letétkezelő bank: Pictet et Cie (Europe) S.A.
Származási hely: Luxemburg
Elosztás engedélyezése: Németország
Alapkezelő menedzser: Tareno (Luxembourg) S.A.
Alap forgalma: -
Indítás dátuma: 2006. 12. 07.
Befektetési fókusz: -


Kibocsátási felár: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: -
Minimum befektetés: - EUR
Deposit fees: 0,05%
Visszaváltási díj: 0,00%
Egyszerűsített tájékoztató: Letöltés (Nyomtatási változat)


Alapkezelő cégek: FundPartner Sol.(EU)
Cím: 15A, avenue J. F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxemburg
Ország: Luxemburg



