07/11/2024  17:31:26 Chg. -1.950 Volume Bid17:40:00 Demandez à17:40:00 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
39.350CHF -4.72% 36,831
Chiffrre d'affaires: 1.48 Mio.
39.000Bid taille: 328 -Ask la taille: 140 257.44 Mio.CHF 6.38% 10.36

Description de l'entreprise

ORIOR AG, a Swiss food group with a long tradition, is specialises in the production and distribution of fresh convenience foods, including vegetarian delicatessen products and refined meats. With its products and its brands like Rapelli, Biotta, Ticinella, Spiess, Le Patron, Pastinella, Fürstenländer Spezialitäten, Fredag and Nature Gourmet, it occupies significant positions in several fast-growing niches in the Swiss retail and food service markets, as well as in selected sales channels in neighbouring countries.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Filip De Spiegeleire
Conseil d'administration
Sacha D. Ger­ber, Max Dreussi, Milena Mathiuet, Andreas Lindner
Conseil de surveillance
Remo Brunschwiler, Markus Vögeli, Monika Friedli-Walser, Monika Schüpbach, Felix Burkhard, Patrick M. Müller, Rolf U. Sut­ter

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Orior AG
Adresse: Dufourstrasse 101,CH-8008 Zürich
Téléphone: +41-44-308-6500
Fax: +41-44-308-6520
Courriel: info@orior.ch
Internet: www.orior.ch
Industrie: Consumer Goods
Secteur: Food and Beverage
Sous-secteur: Food Products
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: 76.20%
IPO date: -

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Milena Mathiuet
Téléphone IR: +41-44-308-6513
IR-Fax: +41-44-308-6505
E-mail IR: investors@orior.ch

Calendrier de l'entreprise

CW 10 | 05/03/2025 Annual Report
CW 21 | 21/05/2025 General Shareholder Meeting

Principaux actionnaires

UBS Fund Management AG
Credit Suisse Funds AG
Swisscanto Fondsleitung AG
Vontobel Fonds Services AG