2024. 10. 02.  17:36:05 Vált. -0,055 Forgalom (db) Vétel17:40:00 Eladás17:40:00 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
4,566EUR -1,19% 6,6 mill.
Forgalom: 30,12 mill.
4,530Vétel (db): 1 333 4,582Eladás (db): 755 15,31 mrd.EUR 6,18% 13,51


Snam S.p.A. (formerly Snam Rete Gas S.p.A.) is one of the leaders in Europe in the construction and integrated management of natural gas infrastructure. Snam is active in natural gas transportation (Snam Rete Gas), storage (Stogit) and regasification (Gnl Italia). It manages a national transportation network that is more than 32.500 kilometers long, including 9 storage sites, and1 regasification plant. Additionally, through associated companies Snam operates in Austria (TAG), France (TIGF), United Kingdom (Interconnector UK) and it is shareholder of the TAP project. The distribution business with Italgas Reti S.p.A. was demerged from Snam S.p.A. in 2016 as a separated company. Snam S.p.A. is headquartered in San Donato Milanese, Italy.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Stefano Venier
Monica de Virgiliis, Alessandro Tonetti, Antonio Morano, Laura Cavatorta, Rita Rolli, Massimo Bergami, Augusta Iannini, Piero Manzoni, Qinjing Shen
Stefano Gnocchi, Gianfranco Chinellato, Ines Gandini


Név: Snam S.p.A.
Cím: Piazza Santa Barbara, 7,I-20097 San Donato Milanese - Mailand
Telefon: +39-02-37031
Fax: +39-02-37039227
E-mail: -
Internet: www.snam.it
Ipar: Energia és közművek
Szektor: Olaj és gáz
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 58,49%
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Camilla Palladino
IR telefon: +39-02-37037363
IR Fax: +39-02-37037803
IR e-mail: investor.relations@snam.it

Fő részvényesek

CDP Reti SpA
Retail Investors
Minozzi Family
Bank of Italy