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-EUR - -
Оборот: -
-Величина цены спроса: - -Величина цены предложения: - 5.25 млрдEUR - -

Описание деятельности

The SFS Group AG is a global market leader for mechanical fastening systems and precision formed components. The group is divided into three segments: Engineered Components, Fastening Systems and Distribution & Logistics. Based on a focused set of core technologies they serve diversified end markets, including the automotive, construction/construction supply, electrical/electronics, aerospace and medical components industry. In addition to the development and manufacture of products under the SFS intec, GESIPA®, Unisteel and Tegra brands, the SFS Group offers distribution and logistics solutions under the SFS unimarket brand. The SFS Group is headquartered in Heerbrugg (Switzerland). It is present with more than 80 sales offices and manufacturing sites in Europe, North America and Asia.

Правление & Наблюдательный совет

Исполнительный директор
Jens Breu
Volker Dostmann, Alfred Schneider, Arthur Blank, Claude Stadler, George Poh, Iso Raunjak, Urs Langenauer, Walter Kobler, Martin Reichenecker
Наблюдательный совет
Thomas Oetterli, Bettina Stadler, Dr. Peter Bauschatz, Jörg Walther, Nick Huber, Urs Kaufmann, Manuela Suter

Данные компании

Имя: SFS Group AG
Адрес: Rosenbergsaustraße 8,CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Телефон: +41-71-727-5151
Факс: -
E-mail: info@sfs.biz
Интернет: www.sfs.biz
Индустрия: Industry
Сектор: Industrial, Diversified
Подсектор: Industrial, Diversified
Конец финансового года: 31.12
Акции в свободном обращении: 45.00%
Дата IPO: 07.05.2014

Связи с инвесторами

Имя: -
IR телефон: +41 71 727 51 51
IR-факс: -
IR e-mail: investor.relations@sfs.biz

Основные акционеры

The family shareholders of the SFS Group
the former shareholders of Hoffmann SE