2024. 10. 11.  15:55:21 Vált. -0,290 Forgalom (db) Vétel15:55:21 Eladás15:55:21 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
14,190EUR -2,00% -
Forgalom: -
14,190Vétel (db): - 14,220Eladás (db): - 761,19 mill.EUR 3,20% 3,80


Salzgitter AG ranks as one of Germany’s companies rooted in a long tradition. Its business activities are concentrated on steel and technology. Through its sustainable organic and external growth, the company has advanced to take its place as one of Europe’s leading steel and technology groups. The primary objective of the company – now and in the future – is the preservation of its independence through profitability and growth. The Group comprises around 200 domestic and international subsidiaries and holdings and has been structured into the business units of Strip Steel, Plate / Section Steel, Energy, Trading and Technology since 2014. The share of Salzgitter AG is listed on the MDAX index of Deutsche Börse AG.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Gunnar Groebler
Burkhard Becker, Michael Kieckbusch, Birgit Potrafki
Heinz-Gerhard Wente, Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Urban, Frank Klingebiel, Ulrike Brouzi, Konrad Ackermann, Dr. Bernd Drouven, Manuel Bloemers, Karin Hardekopf, Hasan Cakir, Gerald Heere, Marco Gasse, Prof. Dr. Susanne Knorre, Gabriele Handke, Heinz Kreuzer, Dirk Markowski, Klaus Papenburg, Anja Piel, Prof. Dr. Joachim Schindler, Christine Seemann, Dr. Susanna Zapreva-Hennerbichler, Clemens Spiller


Név: Salzgitter AG
Cím: Eisenhüttenstraße 99,D-38239 Salzgitter
Telefon: +49-5341-21-01
Fax: +49-5341-21-2727
E-mail: km@salzgitter-ag.de
Internet: www.salzgitter-ag.de
Ipar: Árupiac
Szektor: Bányászat és fémek
Alszektor: Acél
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 40,45%
IPO dátum: 1998. 06. 02.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Markus Heidler
IR telefon: +49-5341-21-6105
IR Fax: +49-5341-21-2570
IR e-mail: ir@salzgitter-ag.de

Fő részvényesek

State of Lower Saxony
GP Günter Papenburg AG
Institutional investors
Retail investors
Salzgitter AG