Ruffer Diversified Return International C - GBP Capitalisation/  LU2699370172  /

NAV01.10.2024 Diff.+0,0097 Ertragstyp Ausrichtung Fondsgesellschaft
1,0509GBP +0,93% thesaurierend Mischfonds weltweit FundPartner Sol.(EU) 


The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve positive returns in all market conditions over any 12-month period from an actively managed diversified portfolio. The Sub-Fund may have exposure to the following asset classes: cash, debt, securities of any type (including government and corporate debt), equities and equity related securities and commodities (including precious metals). Overriding this objective is a fundamental philosophy of capital preservation. Investors should note that there can be no assurance that the investment objective will be achieved. In order to achieve its objective, the Sub-Fund will mainly invest - directly in the asset classes mentioned in the previous paragraph (except for commodities and precious metals) and in the share capital of listed companies whose business is related to these asset classes and/or - in undertakings for collective investment (UCIs) including other Sub-Funds (within the below limit of 10% in UCIs) and/or - in any Transferable Securities (such as structured products) linked (or offering an exposure) to the performance of the above-mentioned securities/asset classes. Notwithstanding the foregoing and in order to avoid any misunderstanding, investments in asset backed securities and mortgage backed securities will be limited to 10% of the Sub-Fund's net assets.


The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to achieve positive returns in all market conditions over any 12-month period from an actively managed diversified portfolio.


Ertragstyp: thesaurierend
Fondskategorie: Mischfonds
Region: weltweit
Branche: Mischfonds/flexibel
Benchmark: MSCI ACWI, Bloomberg Global-Aggregate Total Return, HFRI Fund of Funds Composite
Geschäftsjahresbeginn: 01.10
Letzte Ausschüttung: -
Depotbank: Bank Pictet & Cie (Europe) AG
Ursprungsland: Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassung: Deutschland, Schweiz
Fondsmanager: -
Fondsvolumen: 155,74 Mio.  GBP
Auflagedatum: 11.01.2024
Investmentfokus: -


Ausgabeaufschlag: 5,00%
Max. Verwaltungsgebühr: 1,20%
Mindestveranlagung: 10.000.000,00 GBP
Weitere Gebühren: -
Tilgungsgebühr: 0,00%
Wesentliche Anlegerinformation: -


KAG: FundPartner Sol.(EU)
Adresse: 15A, avenue J. F. Kennedy, 1855, Luxemburg
Land: Luxemburg

