15/11/2024  08:07:29 Chg. 0.0000 Volume Bid13:17:29 Demandez à13:26:19 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
12.5000EUR 0.00% 0
Chiffrre d'affaires: 0.0000
12.5000Bid taille: 150 12.7000Ask la taille: 150 843.42 Mio.EUR - 21.72

Description de l'entreprise

RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG is a private, state-recognized hospital company that builds and operates hospitals. The individual clinics are privately owned and operated in the legal form of a GmbH or AG. The Group's acute clinics belong to different care levels: They include basic and standard care hospitals, specialist hospitals, specialist care hospitals as well as maximum care hospitals and a university hospital. In July 2020, RHÖN-KLINIKUM AG was taken over by Asklepios as part of the voluntary public takeover offer, but remains an independent company within the Asklepios Group.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Tobias Kaltenbach
Conseil d'administration
Dr. Stefan Stranz, Dr. Gunther K. Weiß
Conseil de surveillance
Dr. Jan Liersch, Hafid Rifi, Dr. Julia Dannath-Schuh, Dr. Martin Mandewirth, Dr. Thomas Pillukat, Marco Walker, Oliver Salomon, Peter Berghöfer, Peter Ducke, Prof. Dr. Leopold Eberhart, Regina Dickey, Dagmar Federwisch, Joachim Gemmel, Stefan Röhrhoff, Sara Sheikhzadeh, Cornelia Süfke

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Rhön-Klinikum AG
Adresse: Schlossplatz 1,D-97616 Bad Neustadt a. d. Saale
Téléphone: +49-9771-65-0
Fax: +49-9771-97-467
Courriel: rka@rhoen-klinikum-ag.com
Internet: www.rhoen-klinikum-ag.com
Industrie: Healthcare
Secteur: Healthcare Providers
Sous-secteur: Healthcare Providers
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: -
IPO date: 27/11/1989

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Julian Schmitt
Téléphone IR: +49-9771-65-12250
IR-Fax: +49-9771-99-1736
E-mail IR: ir@rhoen-klinikum-ag.com

Principaux actionnaires

AMR Holding GmbH