02.10.2024  17:35:29 Zm. -0,048 Wolumen Bid03:01:12 Ask03:01:12 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
3,538EUR -1,34% 1,42 mln
Obrót: 5,03 mln
3,520Wolumen Bid: 2 000 3,568Wolumen Ask: 970 5,27 mldEUR 3,96% 11,60

Opis działalności

Hera S.p.A. engages in the waste management, water services, and energy businesses in Italy. It is involved in the sale and distribution of methane and natural gas, as well as in the district heating and heating management business; generation, distribution, and sale of electricity; aqueduct, purification, and sewage services related to water; waste collection, treatment, recycling, and disposal services; and provision of public lighting, telecommunications, and other services. The company's water services include activities related to water collection, drinking water treatment, and distribution for civil and industrial applications, as well as sewerage and sewage treatment activities; and environmental services comprise sweeping, waste collection, transport, and recovery and disposal.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Orazio Iacono
Cristian Fabbri, Gabriele Giacobazzi, Fabio Bacchilega, Gianni Bessi, Grazia Ghermandi, Alessandro Melcarne, Lorenzo Minganti, Milvia Mingozzi, Monica Mondardini, Marina Monassi, Francesco Perrini, Paola Gina Maria Schwizer, Bruno Tani, Alice Vatta
Rada nadzorcza
Myriam Amato, Marianna Girolomini, Antonio Gaiani, Susanna Giuriatti, Stefano Gnocchi

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Hera S.p.A.
Adres: Viale Carlo Berti Pichat 2/4,IT-40127 Bologna
Telefon: +39 051 28 71 11
Fax: +39 051 28 75 25
E-mail: -
Internet: http://www.gruppohera.it
Przemysł: Energia i Usługi Komunalne
Sektor: Dostawca Gazu
Podsektor: Dostawca Gazu
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 54,20%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: -
Telefon: -
Fax: -
E-mail: ir@gruppohera.it

Kalendarz korporacyjny

Tydz. 46 | 13.11.2024 Raport okresowy/3. kwartał

Główni akcjonariusze

Lazard Asset Management, L.L.C.
Pictet Asset Management Ltd.
The Vanguard Group, Inc.