15/08/2024  16:38:27 Var. - Volume Denaro- Lettera- Capitalizzazione di mercato Dividend Y. Rapporto P/E
50.0000USD - 100
Fatturato: 5,000
-Quantità in denaro: - -Quantità in lettera: - 16.34 bill.USD - -

Descrizione business

Owing to economic and legal considerations OTP Group provides its universal financial services through several subsidiaries. In Hungary traditional banking operations are performed by the Bank while specialized services, including car leasing, investment funds are developed and offered by the Bank's subsidiaries. Insurance claims of OTP Group clients are supplied by sales of insurance products with strategic collaboration with french insurance company, Groupama, after its OTP Garancia aqutision.

Consiglio di amministrazione & Consiglio di sorveglianza

Dr. Sandor Csanyi
Consiglio di amministrazione
Dr. Sandor Csanyi, László Bencsik, Andras Becsei, Laszlo Bencsik, Gyorgy Kiss Haypal, Laszlo Wolf, Peter Csanyi, Antal Gyorgy Kovacs
Consiglio di sorveglianza
Tibor Tolnay, Dr. Jozsef Gabor Horvath, Andras Michnai, Dr. Tamas Gudra, Klara Bella, Olivier Pequeux

Dati aziendali

Name: OTP Bank PLC
Indirizzo: Nádor u. 16.,HU-1051 Budapest
Telefono: +36-1-473-5400
Fax: +36-1-473-5955
E-mail: investor.relations@otpbank.hu
Internet: https://www.otpbank.hu
Industria: Financial
Settore: Banks
Sub settore: Banks
Fine dell'anno finanziario: 31/12
Flottante libero: 81.33%
Data dell'IPO: 10/08/1995

Rapporti con gli investitori

Name: Sándor Pataki
IR telefono: +36-1-473-5000
IR Fax: +36-1-473-5951
IR e-mail: PatakiS@otpbank.hu

Company calendar

CW 17 | 25/04/2025 General Shareholder Meeting
CW 21 | 24/05/2025 Ex-Dividend
CW 22 | 27/05/2025 Record Date
CW 23 | 03/06/2025 Dividend Payment

Principali azionisti

MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company
Groupma Group
T. Rowe Price Group, Inc