14/11/2024  18:19:18 Chg. - Volume Bid12:07:06 Demandez à12:07:06 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
14.44EUR - 12,067
Chiffrre d'affaires: 174,753.84
14.77Bid taille: 2,050 14.77Ask la taille: 2,050 12.34 Mrd.EUR 3.78% 9.62

Description de l'entreprise

Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. is one of the leading investment bank and consumer lender in Italy. The group is focused on three highly specialized activities: corporate and investment banking, consumer banking and wealth management. The latter in particular, with the adoption of the new 2016-19 strategic plan, is set to become a major growth driver for the Group as a whole. They offer a complete range of credit solutions, factoring and credit management as well as personal loans, salary-backed loans and asset finance (for cars and motorcycles, as well as consumer electronics, furniture and travel) and also operates in payment services (credit cards) and home insurance. In addition they operate in the area of private banking, asset and investment management. Founded in 1946 by three state-owned banks (Comit, Credit and Banco di Roma), Mediobanca’s mission was initially to support the rebuilding of Italian industry.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Alberto Nagel
Conseil d'administration
Alberto Lupoi, Angela Gamba, Elisabetta Magistretti, Francesco Saverio Vinci, Gabriele Villa, Laura Cioli, Maurizia Angelo Comneno, Maurizio Carfagna, Maurizio Costa, Maximo Ibarra, Renato Pagliaro, Valérie Hortefeux, Virginie Banet, Vittorio Pignatti-Morano Campori
Conseil de surveillance
Francesco Di Carlo, Stefano Sarubbi, Elena Pagnoni, Ambrogio Virgilio, Marcella Caradonna, Roberto Moro

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Mediobanca Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A.
Adresse: Piazzetta E. Cuccia, 1,I-20121 Milano
Téléphone: +39-02-88291
Fax: +39-02-8829367
Courriel: info@mediobanca.it
Internet: www.mediobanca.it
Industrie: Financial
Secteur: Banks
Sous-secteur: Banks
Fin de l'exercice financier: 30/06
Flotte libre: 75.12%
IPO date: -

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Jessica Spina
Téléphone IR: +39-02-8829860
IR-Fax: -
E-mail IR: Investor.relations@m...nca.com Investor.relations@mediobanca.com

Calendrier de l'entreprise

CW 47 | 18/11/2024 Ex-Dividend
CW 47 | 19/11/2024 Record Date
CW 47 | 20/11/2024 Dividend Payment
CW 7 | 10/02/2025 Interim Report 2nd Quarter/6 Months
CW 19 | 08/05/2025 Interim Report 3rd Quarter/9 Months

Principaux actionnaires

DELFIN S.à r.l..