03.10.2024  17:13:50 Zm. - Wolumen Bid09:10:08 Ask17:13:50 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
140,00CHF - 12
Obrót: 1 680
-Wolumen Bid: - -Wolumen Ask: - 333,6 mlnCHF 5,90% 22,03

Opis działalności

The IVF Hartmann Holding AG is the parent company of the IVF HARTMANN GRUPPE, which is active in the field of medical and healthcare products. The IVF HARTMANN Holding AG comprise the IVF HARTMANN AG and Kistler AG, the FUNNY Hygiene AG and the AIR Health Solution AG as an independently-run business. The Group focuses on research, development and manufacturing, especially in the four main business segments Wound Management, Incontinence Management, Risk Prevention (surgical products), Desinfection and Personal Health Care (first aid). In addition to the physical products, the Group also provides various services such as delivery of station wagons systems, software for cost management, surgical delivery systems as well as training and education of their customers. The customer base consists of hospitals and clinics, nursing homes and home care providers, medical practices, operational ambulance stations, pharmacies and drug stores and wholesalers. The IVF Hartmann Holding AG is headquartered in Neuhausen, Switzerland.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Dr. Claus Martini
Dr. Hannes Leu
Rada nadzorcza
Cornelia Ritz Bossicard, Oliver Neubrand, Stefan Grote, Dr. Aldo C. Schellenberg, Martin Walther

Dane firmy

Nazwa: IVF Hartmann Holding AG
Adres: Victor-von-Bruns-Straße 28,CH-8212 Neuhausen
Telefon: +41-52-6743111
Fax: +41-52-6727441
E-mail: info@ivf.hartmann.info
Internet: https://www.ivf.hartmann.info/
Przemysł: Służba zdrowia
Sektor: Produkty Medyczne
Podsektor: Artykuły Medyczne
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: 31,70%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Dr. Hannes Leu
Telefon: -
Fax: +41-52-6743229
E-mail: ivf.investorrelation...nn.info ivf.investorrelations@hartmann.info

Główni akcjonariusze

LLB Swiss Investment AG