2024. 10. 04.  8:08:08 Vált. -0,220 Forgalom (db) Vétel18:14:53 Eladás18:14:53 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
28,640EUR -0,76% 0
Forgalom: 0.000
29,360Vétel (db): 40 29,420Eladás (db): 40 2,49 mrd.EUR 4,61% 48,03


Imerys S.A. is one of the world leaders in mineral-based specialty solutions for industry. Imerys designs high-performance products from minerals that it mines and converts using sophisticated technical processes. Imerys is organized into four business groups, centered on clearly identified markets: Energy Solutions & Specialties, Filtration & Performance Additives, Ceramic Materials and High Resistance Minerals. The Group processes, enriches and combines a unique range of minerals, in many cases mined from its own deposits, to contribute essential functions to its customers’ products and processes. Thanks to their properties (heat resistance and mechanical strength, conductivity, coverage, barrier effect, etc.), these specialties have a great number of everyday applications in consumer durables, fast-consumer goods, capital goods and construction. A benchmark industrial player in mineral-based specialty products, Imerys designs solutions that meet the requirements of four types: mineral components, functional additives, process enablers and finished products. Imerys is active in 50 countries with more than 270 industrial sites worldwide.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Alessandro Dazza
Sébastien Rouge, Cyril Giraud, Frédérique Berthier-Raymond, Guillaume Delacroix, Jean-François Claver, Jim Murberger, Michel Cornelissen, Olivier Pirotte, Philippe Bourg, Vincent Lecerf
Patrick Kron, Aldo Cardoso, Annette Messemer, Carlos Manuel Pérez Fernández, Colin Hall, Dominique Morin, Ian Gallienne, Laurent Raets, Lucile Ribot, Marie-Françoise Walbaum, Paul Desmarais III, Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Véronique Saubot


Név: Imerys S.A.
Cím: 154 rue de l'Université,F-75007 Paris
Telefon: +33-1-4955-6301
Fax: +33-1-4955-6316
E-mail: -
Internet: www.imerys.com
Ipar: Ipar
Szektor: Kivitelezés és Anyagok
Alszektor: Építőanyag
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 38,70%
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Kim Nguyen Meunier
IR telefon: +33-1-4955-6655
IR Fax: +33-1-4955-6316
IR e-mail: shareholders@imerys.com


Naptár 44 | 2024. 10. 30. Harmadik negyedéves ideiglenes beszámoló

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