Goldman Sachs Global Senior Loans (Lux) - Danske G Dis(M) EUR/  LU0228523881  /

NAV25/07/2024 Diferencia-0.1016 Tipo de beneficio Enfoque de la inversión Sociedad de fondos
39,765.1094EUR 0.00% paying dividend Bonds Worldwide Goldman Sachs AM BV 

Objetivo de inversión

The sub-fund offers investors the opportunity to invest in senior loans – large, ultra-short duration loans made to non-investment grade businesses primarily in the U.S. and Europe. Senior loans are classified as non-investment grade assets, so they typically pay a higher rate of interest than other short-term debt instruments. This rate of interest is based on a fixed spread over a base rate, which floats with market rates and resets every 45-60 days on average. Unlike high yield bonds, senior loans are secured by collateral and hold the highest rank in a borrower’s capital structure, giving them priority over other creditors, bonds, and all preferred and common stock. The unique combination of floating rates and secured collateral helps senior loans complement fixed-income portfolios and can provide valuable portfolio diversification for institutional investors.

Datos maestros

Tipo de beneficio: paying dividend
Categoría de fondos: Bonds
Región: Worldwide
Sucursal: Corporate Bonds
Punto de referencia: Morningstar LSTA US Leveraged Loan Index
Inicio del año fiscal: 01/04
Última distribución: 15/07/2024
Banco depositario: Brown Brothers Harriman (Lux) S.C.A.
País de origen: Luxembourg
Permiso de distribución: Luxembourg
Gestor de fondo: -
Volumen de fondo: 148.8 millones  EUR
Fecha de fundación: 17/05/2006
Enfoque de la inversión: -


Recargo de emisión: 2.00%
Max. Comisión de administración: 0.69%
Inversión mínima: 250,000.00 EUR
Deposit fees: -
Cargo por amortización: 0.00%
Prospecto simplificado: Descargar (Versión para imprimir)

Sociedad de fondos

Fondos de empresa: Goldman Sachs AM BV
Dirección: Schenkkade 65, 2509, LL Den Haag
País: Netherlands



