2024. 11. 13.  12:12:30 Vált. -0,115 Forgalom (db) Vétel12:12:30 Eladás12:12:30 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
15,065EUR -0,76% -
Forgalom: -
15,065Vétel (db): - 15,070Eladás (db): - 8,29 mrd.EUR 3,65% 25,13


Getlink (formerly Group Eurotunnel S.A.) brings together a group of companies active in the fields of infrastructure management and transport operations. The main business segments are structured into Fixed Link and Europorte. The operation of the cross-Channel Fixed Link as a concessionaire until 2086, represents the core business of the Group. Opened in 1994, the Channel Tunnel, the vital link between the United Kingdom and the continent, has been used by more than 340 million passengers. The rail Shuttle transport system carries 2.5 million cars (Le Shuttle) and 1.5 million trucks every year, making it by far the world leader in piggyback transport. High-speed passenger trains and rail freight trains also run through the Tunnel. With Europorte, the Eurotunnel Group is positioned as one of the leading private rail freight operator in Great Britain and France. The Group also leverages its know-how and infrastructure to further develop its expertise in railway training (CIFFCO) and for the electrical interconnector (ElecLink) between the UK and continental Europe. At the instruction of the French Competition Authority, the subsidiary MyFerryLink have to stop activity on 2 July 2015. Group Eurotunnel S.A. was incorporated in 1986 and is headquartered in Paris, France.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Yann Leriche
Géraldine Périchon, Anne-Laure Desclèves, Claire Piccolin, Deborah Merrens, Guillaume Rault, John Keefe, Laetitia Brun, Michel Boudoussier, Philippe de Lagune, Raphael Doutrebente, Steven Moore
Jacques Gounon, Bertrand Badré, Carlo Bertazzo, Colette Lewiner, Corinne Bach, Elisabetta De Bernardi di Valserra, Jean-Marc Janaillac, Jean-Pierre Trotignon, Mark Cornwall, Patricia Hewitt, Perrette Rey, Philippe Vanderbec, Sharon Flood, Stéphane Sauvage, Yann Leriche


Név: Getlink SE
Cím: 3, rue La Boétie,F-75008 Paris
Telefon: +33-1-40980460
Fax: +33-1-40980465
E-mail: CommunicationInterne...nel.com CommunicationInternet@eurotunnel.com
Internet: https://www.getlinkgroup.com/
Ipar: Ipar
Szektor: Közlekedés
Alszektor: Vasutak
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 2,00%
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: -
IR telefon: +44-1-303288719
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: shareholder.info@get...oup.com shareholder.info@getlinkgroup.com

Fő részvényesek

Eiffage S.A.
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority
BlackRock, Inc.