31/10/2024  21:10:00 Var. -0.72 Volume Denaro01:00:00 Lettera01:00:00 Capitalizzazione di mercato Dividend Y. Rapporto P/E
25.62USD -2.73% 155,556
Fatturato: 2.7 mill.
24.04Quantità in denaro: 100 27.40Quantità in lettera: 100 287.5 mill.USD - -

Descrizione business

Genesco Inc., a Nashville-based specialty retailer, sells footwear, headwear, sports apparel and accessories in more than 1,490 retail stores and leased departments throughout the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland and Germany, principally under the names Journeys, Journeys Kidz, Shi by Journeys, Schuh, Schuh Kids, Little Burgundy, Lids, Locker Room by Lids, Lids Clubhouse, Johnston & Murphy, and on internet websites www.journeys.com, www.journeyskidz.com, www.shibyjourneys.com, www.schuh.co.uk, www.littleburgundyshoes.com, www.johnstonmurphy.com, www.lids.com, www.lids.ca, www.lidslockerroom.com, www.lidsclubhouse.com, http://shop.neweracap.com/ , www.trask.com, www.suregripfootwear.com and www.dockersshoes.com. The Company's Lids Sports Group division operates the Lids headwear stores, the Locker Room by Lids and other team sports fan shops and single team clubhouse stores. In addition, Genesco sells wholesale footwear under its Johnston & Murphy brand, the Trask brand, the licensed Dockers brand, G.H. Bass & Co., SureGrip, and other brands.

Consiglio di amministrazione & Consiglio di sorveglianza

Mimi Eckel Vaughn
Consiglio di amministrazione
Thomas A. George, Brently Baxter, Danny Ewoldsen, Mario Gallione, Matthew N. Johnson, Parag D. Desai, Scott E. Becker
Consiglio di sorveglianza
Mimi Eckel Vaughn, Angel Martinez, Gregory Sandfort, Joanna Barsh, John F. Lambros, Kathleen Mason, Kevin P. McDermott, Marty G. Dickens, Mary Meixelsperger, Matthew C. Diamond, Thurgood Marshall, Jr.

Dati aziendali

Name: Genesco Inc.
Indirizzo: Genesco Park, 1415 Murfreesboro Road,Nashville, Tennessee 37217-2895, USA
Telefono: +1-615-367-7000
Fax: -
E-mail: contributions@genesco.com
Internet: www.genesco.com/
Industria: Consumer Goods
Settore: Textiles and Apparel
Sub settore: -
Fine dell'anno finanziario: 31/01
Flottante libero: 64.00%
Data dell'IPO: -

Rapporti con gli investitori

Name: Claire S. McCall
IR telefono: +1-615-367-7386
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: investorrelations@genesco.com

Principali azionisti

BlackRock, Inc.
The Vanguard Group, Inc.
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP