15/11/2024  08:09:54 Chg. -0.090 Volume Bid21:00:00 Demandez à21:00:00 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
25.610EUR -0.35% 0
Chiffrre d'affaires: 0.000
26.620Bid taille: 750 27.410Ask la taille: 750 41.72 Mrd.EUR 4.73% 11.14

Description de l'entreprise

The Generali Group is one of the most significant players in the global insurance and financial products market. The Group is leader in Italy and Assicurazioni Generali, founded in 1831 in Trieste, is the Group's Parent and principal operating Company. Characterised from the very outset by a strong international outlook and now present in more than 60 Countries, Generali has consolidated its position among the world's leading insurance operators, with significant market shares in western Europe - its main area of activity - and particularly in Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and Central and Eastern Europe. The Group has - over the last decade - set up offices in the main markets of the Far East, among which India and China; in particular, in China, just after few years of operation, it has become the leader among the insurance companies with foreign equity interests.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Philippe Donnet
Conseil d'administration
Andrea Sironi, Alberta Figari, Antonella Mei-Pochtler, Clemente Rebecchini, Diva Moriani, Lorenzo Pellicioli, Marina Brogi, Flavio Cattaneo, Alessia Falsarone, Clara Furse, Umberto Malesci, Stefano Marsaglia, Luisa Torchia
Conseil de surveillance
Antonia Di Bella, Carolyn Dittmeier, Lorenzo Pozza, Silvia Olivotto, Tazio Pavanel

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.
Adresse: Piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 2,I-34132 Trieste
Téléphone: +39-40-671-11
Fax: +39-40-671-600
Courriel: info@generali.com
Internet: www.generali.com
Industrie: Financial
Secteur: Insurance
Sous-secteur: -
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: 70.84%
IPO date: -

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Giulia Raffo
Téléphone IR: +39-40-671-402
IR-Fax: +39-40-671-338
E-mail IR: ir@Generali.com

Calendrier de l'entreprise

CW 11 | 13/03/2025 4th Quarter/Annual Report
CW 19 | 08/05/2025 General Shareholder Meeting
CW 21 | 19/05/2025 Ex-Dividend
CW 21 | 21/05/2025 Dividend Payment
CW 21 | 22/05/2025 Interim Report 1st Quarter/3 Months

Principaux actionnaires

Mediobanca Group
Del Vecchio Group
Caltagirone Group
Benetton Group