Investment companies

Name Funds Country
Paladin AM 4 Germany
Partners Group (LU) 11 Luxembourg
Payden & Rygel 8 United States of America
Pensimo Fondsleitung 1 Switzerland
Pergam 1 France
Pernet von Ballmoos 23 Switzerland
Perspektiva DZU 1 Slovenia
PGIM FUNDS 148 Germany
Pharus Mgmt. LU 1 Luxembourg
Pictet AM 313 Switzerland
Pictet AM (EU) 1271 Luxembourg
PIMCO Gl. Ad. (IE) 862 United Kingdom
PineBridge Inv. (IE) 67 Ireland
Pioneer Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt. 19 unknown
PMG Fonds Management 38 Switzerland
Polar Capital 98 United Kingdom
Polen Capital 17 United States of America
Prevoir 4 France
Primorski skladi 4 Slovenia
Principal Gl.Inv. IE 195 United Kingdom