Стоимость чистых активов16.07.2024 Изменение0.0000 Тип доходности Инвестиционная направленность Инвестиционная компания
11.6800USD 0.00% reinvestment Alternative Investments Worldwide Franklin Templeton 

Инвестиционная стратегия

The Fund aims to increase the value of its investments with lower volatility relative to broader equity markets and less correlation to traditional asset classes over the medium to long term. The Fund pursues an actively managed investment strategy and invests mainly in: uncorrelated strategies which are systematic trading strategies based on quantitative analysis of price and fundamental data, through the use of internal or external algorithms. The Fund intends to gain exposure, either directly or indirectly (through mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, derivatives or structured products), to a wide range of transferable securities, derivatives (for hedging, efficient portfolio management and investment purposes, such as total return swaps), commodities, FX forwards (an exchange of a pair of currencies at a set rate on a future date) as well as other securities including but not limited to equity and equity-related securities (including participatory notes and convertible securities), debt securities of any quality of sovereign issuers worldwide, currencies as well as other eligible securities. The investment team may decide to invest all of the Fund's assets in debt securities issued by the EU, OECD, Singapore or other G20 member state.

Инвестиционная цель

The Fund aims to increase the value of its investments with lower volatility relative to broader equity markets and less correlation to traditional asset classes over the medium to long term.

Основные данные

Тип доходности: reinvestment
Категории фондов: Alternative Investments
Регион: Worldwide
Branch: AI Hedgefonds Multi Strategies
Бенчмарк: EURIBOR 3-Month Index
Начало рабочего (бизнес) года: 01.04
Last Distribution: -
Депозитарный банк: J.P. Morgan SE, Luxembourg Branch
Место жительства фонда: Luxembourg
Разрешение на распространение: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Управляющий фондом: Paul Fraynt
Объем фонда: -
Дата запуска: 18.06.2021
Инвестиционная направленность: -


Эмиссионная надбавка: 0.00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0.60%
Минимальное вложение: 5,000,000.00 USD
Deposit fees: 0.14%
Комиссионные, взимаемые фондами взаимных инвестиций при погашении акций: 0.00%
Упрощенный проспект: Скачать (Версия для печати)

Инвестиционная компания

Товарищества на вере: Franklin Templeton
Адрес: Schottenring 16, 2.OG, 1010, Wien
Страна: Austria
Интернет: www.franklintempleton.at



