NAV2024. 10. 02. Vált.+0,0100 Hozam típusa Investment Focus Alapkezelő
30,0000EUR +0,03% Újrabefektetés Vegyes alap Világszerte FIL IM (LU) 

Befektetési stratégia

The fund aims to achieve capital growth over the long term for investors planning to withdraw substantial portions of their investment in the year 2025. The fund invests in a range of asset classes such as equities, bonds, interest bearing and money market instruments as well as real estate, infrastructure and eligible exposure to commodities from anywhere in the world, including emerging markets. These investments may be denominated in any currency and some of them may be below investment grade or unrated. The proportion of assets allocated to each asset class varies over time and the fund will increasingly favour lower risk investments as it approaches its target date, shifting to an increasingly conservative asset allocation The fund may invest in the following assets according to the percentages indicated: UCITS and UCIs: up to 100% infrastructure securities, eligible REITs and commodity exposure: less than 30% collateralised and securitised debt instruments: up to 20% SPACs: less than 5%. The fund may invest in currencies other than euro, which may or may not be hedged to euro. The Euro to which the name of the fund refers is a currency of reference and not a currency of investments.

Befektetési cél

The fund aims to achieve capital growth over the long term for investors planning to withdraw substantial portions of their investment in the year 2025.


Hozam típusa: Újrabefektetés
Alapok Kategória: Vegyes alap
Régió: Világszerte
Ágazat: Vegyes alap / Rugalmas
Benchmark: MSCI World ex EU Index (N), MSCI EU Index (N), MSCI EM Index (N), EURIBOR 1M+3%, BBGl Aggregate Index, ICE BofA E LargeC
Üzleti év kezdete: 05. 01.
Last Distribution: -
Letétkezelő bank: Brown Brothers Harriman (Luxembourg) S.C
Származási hely: Luxemburg
Elosztás engedélyezése: Németország, Luxemburg, Csehország
Alapkezelő menedzser: Ayesha Akbar, Julie-Ann Ashcroft
Alap forgalma: 332,87 mill.  EUR
Indítás dátuma: 2015. 01. 14.
Befektetési fókusz: -


Kibocsátási felár: 1,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,30%
Minimum befektetés: 10 000 000,00 EUR
Deposit fees: -
Visszaváltási díj: 1,00%
Egyszerűsített tájékoztató: Letöltés (Nyomtatási változat)


Alapkezelő cégek: FIL IM (LU)
Cím: Kärntner Straße 9, Top 8, 1010, Wien
Ország: Ausztria

