2024. 04. 18.  0:00:00 Vált. - Forgalom (db) Vétel6:00:05 Eladás6:00:05 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
114,34USD - 140
Forgalom: -
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 17,25 mrd.USD 1,15% 23,74


Expeditors is a global logistics company headquartered in Seattle, Washington. The Company employs trained professionals in 176 district offices and numerous branch locations located on six continents linked into a seamless worldwide network through an integrated information management system. Services include the consolidation or forwarding of air and ocean freight, customs brokerage, vendor consolidation, cargo insurance, time-definite transportation, order management, warehousing and distribution and customized logistics solutions.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Jeffrey S. Musser
Bradley S. Powell, Timothy C. Barber, Blake R. Bell, Kelly Blacker, Benjamin G. Clark, Jeffrey F. Dickerman, Karl Francisco, Steven J. Grimmer, Bruce J. Krebs, Murali Krishnamurthy, Khoon Ling Lim, Dana L. Lorenze, Christopher J. McClincy, William A. Romberger Ill, Richard H. Rostan, Kanny Satar, J. Jonathan Song, Jose A. Ubeda, Daniel R. Wall, Allen Wang, Michelle D. Weaver, Craig L. Wilwerding
Robert P. Carlile, Glenn M. Alger, James M. DuBois, Mark A. Emmert, Diane H. Gulyas, Jeffrey S. Musser, Brandon S. Pedersen, Liane J. Pelletier, Olivia D. Polius


Név: Expeditors International of Washington Inc.
Cím: 1015 Third Avenue, 12th Floor,Seattle, Washington 98104, USA
Telefon: +1-206-674-3400
Fax: +1-206-682-9777
E-mail: webmaster@expeditors.com
Internet: www.expeditors.com
Ipar: Ipar
Szektor: Közlekedés
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: -
IPO dátum: 1984. 09. 26.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Geoffrey Buscher
IR telefon: +1-206-892-4510
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: investor@expeditors.com


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Naptár 45 | 2024. 11. 05. Harmadik negyedéves ideiglenes beszámoló
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