NAV2024. 07. 23. Vált.+0,1800 Hozam típusa Investment Focus Alapkezelő
164,8700EUR +0,11% Újrabefektetés Kötvények Európa J.S.Sarasin Fd.M. LU 

Befektetési stratégia

The investment objective of Exclusive - EUR Bonds (the "Sub-Fund") is to achieve a regular income while maintaining a balanced risk spread. The assets of the Sub-Fund are invested worldwide either directly or indirectly in debt instruments that are denominated in euros (EUR) and are fixed or variable income securities (including zero bonds) of public, private and semi-private issuers. At least 85% of the Sub-Fund's investments in debt instruments must have a minimum credit rating of BBB- or equivalent from a recognised rating agency. The Sub-Fund promotes environmental and social characteristics according to SFDR Art. 8, but does not have a sustainable investment objective according to SFDR Art. 9. The Sub-Fund is actively managed without replicating any benchmark. However, the Sub-Fund is managed with reference to ICE BofA EUR Broad Market 1-10Y Index (the "Benchmark"). Generally, the majority of the positions within the Sub-Fund are constituents of the Benchmark. In order to exploit specific investment opportunities the investment manager may discretionarily select securities not included in the Benchmark. In addition, the investment manager integrates sustainability aspects which lead to an exclusion of investable Benchmark components.

Befektetési cél

The investment objective of Exclusive - EUR Bonds (the "Sub-Fund") is to achieve a regular income while maintaining a balanced risk spread.


Hozam típusa: Újrabefektetés
Alapok Kategória: Kötvények
Régió: Európa
Ágazat: Kötvények (többféle)
Benchmark: ICE BofA 1-10 Year Euro Broad Market Index
Üzleti év kezdete: 02. 29.
Last Distribution: -
Letétkezelő bank: CACEIS Investor Services Bank S.A.
Származási hely: Luxemburg
Elosztás engedélyezése: -
Alapkezelő menedzser: F. Weber, M. Gasparis, B. Robaux
Alap forgalma: 289,72 mill.  EUR
Indítás dátuma: 2012. 10. 31.
Befektetési fókusz: -


Kibocsátási felár: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,15%
Minimum befektetés: 0,00 EUR
Deposit fees: 0,10%
Visszaváltási díj: 0,00%
Egyszerűsített tájékoztató: Letöltés (Nyomtatási változat)


Alapkezelő cégek: J.S.Sarasin Fd.M. LU
Cím: 17–21, Boulevard Joseph II, 1840, Luxemburg
Ország: Luxemburg



