2024. 10. 16.  17:05:13 Vált. -10,00 Forgalom (db) Vétel17:15:00 Eladás2024. 10. 16. Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
3 990,00HUF -0,25% 1 650
Forgalom: 6,6 mill.
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 59,03 mrd.HUF 6,54% 13,39


ANY Security Printing Company PLC – former State Printing Company – founded in 1851 is one of the biggest security printing companies in Hungary and leading in the CEE region. The Company offers complex solutions in the field of document security products, production and personalisation of plastic cards and bulk transaction printing. ANY PLC is one of the greatest document producing and personalising companies, whilst it produces MasterCard and VISA bank cards for many domestic and international banks as well. Besides the parent company, its Romanian and Bulgarian joint ventures produce personalised business forms, invoices, letters of advice for banks, insurances and public utilities. Through its developments focusing on document safety and NFC based mobile technology the Company offers products and solutions like e-ID or the NFC based mobile payment solutions suitable for international standards. The Company’s prime market shares have been present in the Budapest Stock Exchange since 2005.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Gábor Zsámboki
Ákos Erdos, Tamás Karakó, Zsamboki Gabor, Dr. Kepecs Gabor, Erdos Tamas, Erwin Fidelis Reisch, Robert Elton Brooker III
Prof. Dr. Stumpf Istvan , Dr. Gomori Istvanne, Berkesi Ferenc, Dr. Repa Imre, Hegedus Katalin, Hanzsek Laszlo, Kun Gabor


Név: ANY Security Printing Company PLC by Shares
Cím: Halom utca 5,HU-1102 Budapest
Telefon: +36-1-431-1200
Fax: +36-1-431-1220
E-mail: info@any.hu
Internet: www.any.hu
Ipar: Ipar
Szektor: Általános ipari szolgáltatások
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 81,62%
IPO dátum: 2005. 12. 08.

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Tamás Karakó
IR telefon: +36-1-431-1228
IR Fax: +36-1-431-1230
IR e-mail: karako@any.hu

Fő részvényesek

EG Capital LLC
Digital Forest LLC
Alfa VIG Csoport
BE-LU S. a.r.l.
ANY Security Printing Company