26/09/2024  16:35:56 Chg. - Volume Bid11:06:07 Demandez à14:17:40 Capitalisation boursière Dividende Y. Rapport P/E
42.60CHF - 1
Chiffrre d'affaires: 42.60
-Bid taille: - -Ask la taille: - 43.3 Mio.CHF - 1.85

Description de l'entreprise

Edisun Power Europe AG is active in the production of solar power through medium-sized solar projects. An independent company, it develops, finances and operates solar power plants in a number of European countries. The Edisun Power Group signs legally binding agreements with local power suppliers in a range of countries for the right to feed solar power into the public power grid at market prices for a period of 20 to 25 years. Edisun Power has been active in the field of solar power production since 1997, and is one of the most successful companies in the Swiss solar energy sector. Edisun Power Europe Ltd. owns a total of 37 solar energy installations in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Spain and France, with a total capacity of 34.7 MW. The Edisun Power Group is headquartered in Zurich and has subsidiaries in Switzerland, Germany, Spain and France.

Conseil d'administration & Conseil de surveillance

Horst H. Mahmoudi
Conseil d'administration
Dr. René Cotting
Conseil de surveillance
Horst H. Mahmoudi, Fulvio Micheletti, Reto Klotz, José Luis Chorro López, Marc Klingelfuss

Données de l'entreprise

Nom: Edisun Power Europe AG
Adresse: Universitätstraße 51,CH-8006 Zürich
Téléphone: +41-44-266-6120
Fax: +41-44-266-6122
Courriel: info@edisunpower.com
Internet: www.edisunpower.com
Industrie: Energy & Utilities
Secteur: Energy Companies
Sous-secteur: Electric Utilities
Fin de l'exercice financier: 31/12
Flotte libre: 37.90%
IPO date: -

Relations avec les investisseurs

Nom: Dr. René Cotting
Téléphone IR: +41-44-266-6120
IR-Fax: -
E-mail IR: rene.cotting@edisunpower.com

Calendrier de l'entreprise

CW 13 | 28/03/2025 Annual Report
CW 18 | 02/05/2025 General Shareholder Meeting

Principaux actionnaires

Smartenergy Invest AG
Community of heirs of Nef Hans
Eberhard Martin