Dynasty SICAV - Dynasty Convertibles Europe - A CHF/  LU2360061233  /

NAV23/07/2024 Diferencia-0.9199 Tipo de beneficio Enfoque de la inversión Sociedad de fondos
1,026.5300CHF -0.09% reinvestment Mixed Fund Europe Dynasty AM 

Estrategia de inversión

The objective of the Class A CHF shares of "Dynasty Convertibles Europe" (the "Sub-Fund") is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing mainly in convertible bonds. The Sub-Fund is actively managed and is not managed in reference to a benchmark but uses the ECI Europe Index (EECIEECI Index on Bloomberg) as a performance measure. The Sub-Fund does not offer any form of guarantee with respect to investment performance and no form of capital protection applies. The investment policy of the Sub-Fund consists in holding a portfolio of mainly convertible bonds or similar fixed income instruments (50% minimum), standard non-convertible bonds, equities (as a result (or not) of the conversion of convertible bonds or similar fixed income instruments), warrants, futures, listed options and OTC derivatives. The Sub-Fund will not invest in contingent convertible bonds ("Cocos"). The securities are mainly issued by European issuers (50% minimum of the net assets of the Sub-Fund. The Sub-Fund may invest in securities not denominated in Euros up to 30% maximum of its net assets. Standard bonds as well as convertible bonds will not have a minimum rating at the time of their acquisition. Exposure to high yield or unrated bonds will therefore be possible up to 100% of the net assets of the SubFund.

Objetivo de inversión

The objective of the Class A CHF shares of "Dynasty Convertibles Europe" (the "Sub-Fund") is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing mainly in convertible bonds. The Sub-Fund is actively managed and is not managed in reference to a benchmark but uses the ECI Europe Index (EECIEECI Index on Bloomberg) as a performance measure. The Sub-Fund does not offer any form of guarantee with respect to investment performance and no form of capital protection applies.

Datos maestros

Tipo de beneficio: reinvestment
Categoría de fondos: Mixed Fund
Región: Europe
Sucursal: Mixed Fund/Focus Bonds
Punto de referencia: ECI Europe Index
Inicio del año fiscal: 01/01
Última distribución: -
Banco depositario: UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch
País de origen: Luxembourg
Permiso de distribución: Switzerland
Gestor de fondo: -
Volumen de fondo: 16.77 millones  EUR
Fecha de fundación: 19/11/2021
Enfoque de la inversión: -


Recargo de emisión: 1.00%
Max. Comisión de administración: 1.10%
Inversión mínima: 100.00 CHF
Deposit fees: -
Cargo por amortización: 0.00%
Prospecto simplificado: -

Sociedad de fondos

Fondos de empresa: Dynasty AM
Dirección: 16, avenue Marie-Therèse, 2132, Luxemburg
País: Luxembourg
Internet: www.dynasty-am.lu

