Стоимость чистых активов11.07.2024 Изменение+18.8799 Тип доходности Инвестиционная направленность Инвестиционная компания
2,181.4500CHF +0.87% reinvestment Equity Worldwide LLB Fund Services 

Инвестиционная стратегия

With the long-term oriented and in the implementation disciplined investment process, the fund management aims to create added value for the portfolio. The investment strategy aims to exceed the average return generated on the broad equity market. The fund manager invests in shares of companies whose business models are characterized by long-term sales and profits and which generate a significantly high proportion of free funds. As a conservative investor, he pays attention to the selected companies to a healthy balance sheet situation as well as further corresponding analysis criteria. The stock selection is based on a high value orientation. Due to the long-term investment strategy, short-term fluctuations in stock markets is not a source of return, i.e. tactical market timing activities are not used. The fund/sub-fund becomes active managed. The fund/sub-fund does not follow a benchmark in its investments. In principle, investors may request the Management Company to redeem units daily at the net asset value per unit less any redemption commission and any taxes. However, the Management Company may suspend redemption, if exceptional circumstances make this appear necessary, considering the interests of investors. The fund takes ecological and social criteria into account in its investments.

Инвестиционная цель

With the long-term oriented and in the implementation disciplined investment process, the fund management aims to create added value for the portfolio.

Основные данные

Тип доходности: reinvestment
Категории фондов: Equity
Регион: Worldwide
Branch: Mixed Sectors
Бенчмарк: -
Начало рабочего (бизнес) года: 01.01
Last Distribution: -
Депозитарный банк: Liechtensteinische Landesbank Aktiengesellschaft
Место жительства фонда: Liechtenstein
Разрешение на распространение: Austria, Germany, Switzerland
Управляющий фондом: Anrepa Asset Management AG
Объем фонда: 519.29 млн  CHF
Дата запуска: 04.01.2016
Инвестиционная направленность: -


Эмиссионная надбавка: 0.00%
Max. Administration Fee: 1.31%
Минимальное вложение: 1.00 CHF
Deposit fees: -
Комиссионные, взимаемые фондами взаимных инвестиций при погашении акций: 0.00%
Упрощенный проспект: Скачать (Версия для печати)

Инвестиционная компания

Товарищества на вере: LLB Fund Services
Адрес: Städtle 44 Postfach 384, 9490, Vaduz
Страна: Liechtenstein
Интернет: www.llb.li






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