NAV30.09.2024 Diff.-0,0445 Ertragstyp Ausrichtung Fondsgesellschaft
4,5822EUR -0,96% ausschüttend Mischfonds weltweit Davy Global Fund M. 


The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long term capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities with geographical and sector diversification. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective. The Fund intends to achieve its investment objective by primarily investing in equity securities issued by small to medium sized companies listed or quoted throughout the world. The Investment Manager will seek to acquire an interest in companies growing their businesses. The Fund will generally invest in companies with a market capitalisation of greater than €200 million. To provide diversification, investment will be spread across broad geographic regions and industry sectors including, among others, consumer discretionary, consumer staples, technology, materials, healthcare and industrials, environmental services.


The investment objective of the Fund is to provide long term capital growth primarily through investment in equity securities with geographical and sector diversification. There can be no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective.


Ertragstyp: ausschüttend
Fondskategorie: Mischfonds
Region: weltweit
Branche: Mischfonds/ausgewogen
Benchmark: -
Geschäftsjahresbeginn: 01.10
Letzte Ausschüttung: 28.03.2024
Depotbank: Northern Trust Fiduciary Services
Ursprungsland: Irland
Vertriebszulassung: Deutschland, Tschechien
Fondsmanager: -
Fondsvolumen: -
KESt-Meldefonds: -
Auflagedatum: 08.10.2004
Investmentfokus: -


Ausgabeaufschlag: 0,00%
Max. Verwaltungsgebühr: 0,75%
Mindestveranlagung: 500,00 EUR
Weitere Gebühren: 0,02%
Tilgungsgebühr: 0,00%
Laufende Kosten (31.12.2021): 0,93%
Wesentliche Anlegerinformation: Download (Druckversion)


KAG: Davy Global Fund M.
Adresse: 49 Dawson Street, D02 PY05, Dublin
Land: Irland

