2024. 07. 27.  13:03:55 Vált. 0,00 Forgalom (db) Vétel13:03:55 Eladás13:03:55 Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
91,65EUR 0,00% -
Forgalom: -
91,65Vétel (db): - 93,50Eladás (db): - 7,89 mrd.EUR - -


Descartes (Nasdaq:DSGX) (TSX:DSG) is the global leader in providing on-demand, software-as-a-service solutions focused on improving the productivity, performance and security of logistics-intensive businesses. Customers use the modular, software-as-a-service solutions to route, schedule, track and measure delivery resources; plan, allocate and execute shipments; rate, audit and pay transportation invoices; access global trade data; file customs and security documents for imports and exports; and complete numerous other logistics processes by participating in the world's largest, collaborative multimodal logistics community. The headquarters are in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and Descartes has offices and partners around the world.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Edward J. Ryan
Allan Brett, J. Scott Pagan, Andrew Roszko, Raimond Diederik, Chris Jones, Peter Nguyen, Ed Gardner, Bob Parker, Ken Wood, Maija Michell
Eric Demirian, Deepak Chopra, Deborah Close, Sandra Hanington, Kelley Irwin, Dennis Maple, Chris Muntwyler, Jane O’Hagan, Edward J. Ryan, John. J. Walker


Név: Descartes Systems Group Inc.
Cím: 120 Randall Drive,Waterloo, Ontario N2V 1C6, Canada
Telefon: +1-519-746-8110
Fax: +1-519-747-0082
E-mail: info@descartes.com
Internet: https://www.descartes.com/home
Ipar: Technológia
Szektor: Szoftver
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 01. 31.
Közkézhányad: 86,40%
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: -
IR telefon: +1-519-746-6114
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: investor@descartes.com