02.09.2024  9:12:04 Изменение -0.001 Объем сделки Бид9:12:04 Предложение9:12:04 Рыночная капитализация Дивидендная доходность Коэффициент Цена/Доход
0.606EUR -0.16% -
Оборот: -
0.606Величина цены спроса: - 0.620Величина цены предложения: - 73.65 млрдEUR - -

Описание деятельности

China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.) is one of the largest integrated energy and chemical companies in China. Its principal operations include the exploration and production, pipeline transportation and sale of petroleum and natural gas; the production, sale, storage and transportation of refinery products, petrochemical products, coal chemical products, synthetic fibre, and other chemical products; the import and export, including an import and export agency business, of petroleum, natural gas, petroleum products, petrochemical and chemical products, and other commodities and technologies; and research, development and application of technologies and information. The Company is a large scale integrated energy and chemical company with upstream, mid-stream and downstream operations. The Company is a large-scale oil and gas producer in China; in respect of refining capacity, it ranks first in China; equipped with a well-developed refined oil products sales network, the Company is the largest supplier of refined oil products in China; and in terms of ethylene production capacity, the Company takes the first position in China, and has a well-established marketing network for chemical products.

Правление & Наблюдательный совет

Исполнительный директор
Zhao Dong
Shou Donghua, Huang Wensheng, Niu Shuanwen, Guo Xusheng, Lv Lianggong, Wan Tao, Yu Baocai, Guo Hongjin, Xu Yi, Li Yuxing, Liu Jiahai, Li Yonglin
Наблюдательный совет
Ma Yongsheng, Yu Baocai, Li Yonglin, Lv Lianggong, Zhao Dong, Zhong Ren, Niu Shuanwen, Wan Tao, Xu Lin, Zhang Liying, Liu Tsz Bun Bennett, Zhang Xiliang

Данные компании

Имя: China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.
Адрес: 22 Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang District,100728 Beijing, China
Телефон: +86-10-59960028
Факс: +86-10-59960386
E-mail: media@sinopec.com
Интернет: www.sinopec.com/listco/en/
Индустрия: Energy & Utilities
Сектор: Oil and Gas
Подсектор: -
Конец финансового года: 31.12
Акции в свободном обращении: -
Дата IPO: 19.10.2000

Связи с инвесторами

Имя: -
IR телефон: -
IR-факс: -
IR e-mail: ir@sinopec.com

Основные акционеры

China Petrochemical Corporation
HKSCC Nominees Limited