20.12.2024  21:00:00 Zm. -1,6000 Wolumen Bid20.12.2024 Ask20.12.2024 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
156,8000GBX -1,01% 1,41 mln
Obrót(GBP): 2,21 mln
155,0000Wolumen Bid: 1 150 190,0000Wolumen Ask: 900 1,12 mldGBP - -

Opis działalności

Ashmore Group plc and its subsidiaries ("Ashmore") comprise one of the world's leading emerging market investment managers. Based in London, the business was founded in 1992 as part of the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group and in 1999, Ashmore became independent and today manages in pooled funds, segregated accounts and structured products. Ashmore's outstanding portfolio management and research team have developed an investment approach based on two decades of Emerging Markets experience. Ashmore offers a number of investment themes including External Debt, Local Currency, Corporate Debt, Blended Debt, Equities, Alternatives (incorporating special situations; private equity; distressed debt; real estate; and infrastructure) Overlay/Liquidity and Multi-Asset.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Mark Coombs
Tom Shippey
Rada nadzorcza
David Bennett, Clive Adamson, Helen Beck, Jennifer Bingham, Mark Coombs, Tom Shippey

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Ashmore Group plc
Adres: 61 Aldwych,UK-London WC2B 4AE
Telefon: +44-20-3077-6000
Fax: +44-20-3077-6001
E-mail: corporate@ashmoregroup.com
Internet: www.ashmoregroup.com/
Przemysł: Dostawca usług finansowych
Sektor: Specjalne Usługi Finansowe
Podsektor: -
Koniec roku finansowego: 30.06
Free float: 75,78%
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Paul Measday
Telefon: +44-20-3077-6278
Fax: -
E-mail: ir@ashmoregroup.com

Kalendarz korporacyjny

Tydz. 6 | 07.02.2025 Raport okresowy/2. kwartał
Tydz. 36 | 05.09.2025 4 kwartał / raport roczny

Główni akcjonariusze

Standard Life Aberdeen plc
Overseas Pensions and Benefits Limited
Schroders plc
Allianz Global Investors GmbH