2024. 10. 03.  15:33:16 Vált. - Forgalom (db) Vétel2024. 07. 19. Eladás2024. 08. 15. Piaci kapitalizáció Osztalékh. P/E Ráta
28,00EUR - 219
Forgalom: 6 132
-Vétel (db): - -Eladás (db): - 1,88 mrd.EUR 7,69% 9,25


Aperam is a global player in stainless, electrical and specialty steel, with customers in over 40 countries. The business is organized in three primary operating segments: Stainless & Electrical Steel, Services & Solutions and Alloys & Specialties. Aperam has 2.5 million tonnes of flat Stainless and Electrical steel capacity in Brazil and Europe and is a leader in high value specialty products. Aperam has a highly integrated distribution, processing and services network and a unique capability to produce stainless and specialty from low cost biomass (charcoal). Its industrial network is concentrated in six production facilities located in Brazil, Belgium and France.

Igazgatóság & Felügyelőbizottság

Timoteo Di Maulo
Sudhakar Sivaji, Bernard Hallemans, Bert Lyssens, Frédéric Mattei, Frederico Ayres Lima, Geert Verbeek, Nicolas Changeur, Vanisha Mittal Bhatia
Lakshmi N. Mittal, Aditya Mittal, Alain Kinsch, Bernadette Baudier, Ros Rivaz, Sandeep Jalan, Roberte Kesteman


Név: Aperam SA
Cím: 12C rue Guillaume Kroll,L-1882 Luxembourg
Telefon: +352-273-627-00
Fax: -
E-mail: contact@aperam.com
Internet: www.aperam.com/
Ipar: Ipar
Szektor: Gépészet
Alszektor: -
Pénzügyi év vége: 12. 31.
Közkézhányad: 59,11%
IPO dátum: -

Befektetői kapcsolatok

Név: Thorsten Zimmermann
IR telefon: +352-273-667-304
IR Fax: -
IR e-mail: -

Fő részvényesek

Free float
HSBC Trustee C.I. Limited
Treasury stock