NAV31.10.2024 Zm.+0,0900 Typ dystrybucji dochodów Kategoria Firma inwestycyjna
986,0400EUR +0,01% płacące dywidendę Rynek pieniężny Światowy Amundi Luxembourg 

Strategia inwestycyjna

The Sub-Fund is a financial product that promotes ESG characteristics pursuant to Article 8 of the Disclosure Regulation. To offer returns in line with money markets rates. The Sub-Fund invests at least 67% of assets in money market instruments. The Sub-Fund maintains within its portfolio a WAM of 90 days or less. The Sub-Fund does not invest more than 30% of assets in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by any nation, public local authority within the EU, or an international body to which at least one EU member belongs. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 10% of assets in units/shares of other MMFs. The Sub-Fund may use derivatives for hedging purposes. Benchmark : The Sub-Fund is actively managed and seeks to achieve a stable performance in line with the the Euribor 3-month rate. The Sub-Fund may use the Benchmark a posteriori as an indicator for assessing the Sub- Fund's performance. There are no constraints relative to the Benchmark restraining portfolio construction. The Sub-Fund has not designated the Benchmark as a reference benchmark for the purpose of the Disclosure Regulation.

Cel inwestycyjny

The Sub-Fund is a financial product that promotes ESG characteristics pursuant to Article 8 of the Disclosure Regulation. To offer returns in line with money markets rates. The Sub-Fund invests at least 67% of assets in money market instruments. The Sub-Fund maintains within its portfolio a WAM of 90 days or less. The Sub-Fund does not invest more than 30% of assets in transferable securities and money market instruments issued or guaranteed by any nation, public local authority within the EU, or an international body to which at least one EU member belongs.

Dane podstawowe

Typ dystrybucji dochodów: płacące dywidendę
Kategoria funduszy: Rynek pieniężny
Region: Światowy
Branża: Instrumenty rynku pieniężnego
Początek roku obrachunkowego: 01.07
Last Distribution: 10.09.2024
Bank depozytariusz: CACEIS Bank, Nierderlassung Luxemburg
Kraj pochodzenia funduszu: Luxemburg
Zezwolenie na dystrybucję: Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria
Zarządzający funduszem: Dutrey Stéphane
Aktywa: 3,93 mld  EUR
Data startu: 24.06.2011
Koncentracja inwestycyjna: -


Opłata za nabycie: 0,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,12%
Minimalna inwestycja: 5 000 000,00 EUR
Opłaty depozytowe: -
Opłata za odkupienie: 0,00%
Uproszczony prospekt: Ściągnij (Wersja do wydruku)

Firma inwestycyjna

TFI: Amundi Luxembourg
Adres: 5 allée Scheffer, L-2520, Luxemburg
Kraj: Luxemburg


Rynek pieniężny

