NAV01.10.2024 Zm.+1,2061 Typ dystrybucji dochodów Kategoria Firma inwestycyjna
11 475,6904EUR +0,01% z reinwestycją Rynek pieniężny Światowy Amundi AM (FR) 

Strategia inwestycyjna

The objective is to outperform the capitalised €STR, an index representing the Eurozone money market rate, after taking into account ongoing charges and while incorporating ESG criteria into the Fund's security analysis and selection criteria. However, in certain market situations such as the €STR being very low, the net asset value of your fund may experience a structural decline and negatively impact the yield of your fund, which may compromise the objective to maintain the capital of your fund. The fund incorporates ESG (environment, social and governance) criteria into the analysis and selection of securities, in addition to financial criteria (liquidity, maturity, profitability and quality). The non-financial analysis results in an ESG rating for each issuer on a scale ranging from A (highest rating) to G (lowest rating). At least 90% of securities in the portfolio have an ESG rating. To achieve this, the management team selects high-quality money market instruments in euro or foreign currencies, taking into account their residual life. These securities are selected from within a previously determined investment universe according to an internal risk assessment and monitoring process. In order to assess the credit quality of these instruments, the management company may refer to investment grade ratings from recognised ratings agencies it deems the most relevant, on a non-exclusive basis, when purchasing an instrument, it shall however endeavour to avoid any mechanical dependence on these ratings throughout the period of time in which the securities are held. Foreign currency securities are hedged against currency risk.

Cel inwestycyjny

The objective is to outperform the capitalised €STR, an index representing the Eurozone money market rate, after taking into account ongoing charges and while incorporating ESG criteria into the Fund's security analysis and selection criteria. However, in certain market situations such as the €STR being very low, the net asset value of your fund may experience a structural decline and negatively impact the yield of your fund, which may compromise the objective to maintain the capital of your fund. The fund incorporates ESG (environment, social and governance) criteria into the analysis and selection of securities, in addition to financial criteria (liquidity, maturity, profitability and quality). The non-financial analysis results in an ESG rating for each issuer on a scale ranging from A (highest rating) to G (lowest rating). At least 90% of securities in the portfolio have an ESG rating.

Dane podstawowe

Typ dystrybucji dochodów: z reinwestycją
Kategoria funduszy: Rynek pieniężny
Region: Światowy
Branża: Instrumenty rynku pieniężnego
Benchmark: 100% €STR CAPITALISE (OIS)
Początek roku obrachunkowego: 01.06
Last Distribution: -
Bank depozytariusz: CACEIS Bank
Kraj pochodzenia funduszu: Francja
Zezwolenie na dystrybucję: Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria
Zarządzający funduszem: Benoit Palliez
Aktywa: 19,83 mld  EUR
Data startu: 24.01.1991
Koncentracja inwestycyjna: -


Opłata za nabycie: 1,00%
Max. Administration Fee: 0,07%
Minimalna inwestycja: - EUR
Opłaty depozytowe: -
Opłata za odkupienie: 0,00%
Uproszczony prospekt: Ściągnij (Wersja do wydruku)

Firma inwestycyjna

TFI: Amundi AM (FR)
Adres: 90 boulevard Pasteur, 75015, Paris
Kraj: Francja


Rynek pieniężny


Strefa euro