26.07.2024  17:36:11 Zm. +0,400 Wolumen Bid17:40:00 Ask17:40:00 Kapitalizacja Rynkowa St. dywidendy Wskaźnik C/Z
21,200EUR +1,92% 443 592
Obrót: 9,34 mln
21,160Wolumen Bid: 1 21,340Wolumen Ask: 2 370 3,81 mldEUR 8,49% 4,67

Opis działalności

Scor SE is an international insurance group. The Group’s strategy is based on a development model driven by three entities: SCOR Global P& C (Property and Casualty reinsurance), SCOR Global Life (Life reinsurance), and SCOR Global Investments (asset management). SCOR Global P& C and SCOR Global Life are global reinsurers, executing an underwriting policy focused on profitability, developing value-added services and adhering to a cautious financial policy in order to meet the expectations of their clients in terms of security. SCOR Global Investments is the division of the SCOR group devoted to asset management, and is composed of two dedicated entities: a Group Investment Office and a regulated asset management company, SCOR Investment Partners.

Zarząd & Rada nadzorcza

Thierry Léger
François de Varenne, Jean-Paul Conoscente, Frieder Knüpling, Romain Launay, Claire Le Gall-Robinson, Fabian Uffer
Rada nadzorcza
Denis Kessler, Augustin de Romanet, Fabrice Brégier, Marc Büker, Adrien Couret, Martine Gerow, Patricia Lacoste, Vanessa Marquette, Bruno Pfister, Laurent Rousseau, Pietro Santoro, Thomas Saunier, Claude Tendil, Natacha Valla, Zhen Wang, Fields Wicker-Miurin

Dane firmy

Nazwa: Scor SE
Adres: 5, avenue Kléber,F-75795 Paris Cedex 16
Telefon: +33-1-5844-7000
Fax: +33-1-5844-8500
E-mail: -
Internet: www.scor.com/index.php
Przemysł: Dostawca usług finansowych
Sektor: Ubezpieczenia
Podsektor: -
Koniec roku finansowego: 31.12
Free float: -
Data IPO: -

Relacje inwestorskie

Nazwa: Yves CORMIER
Telefon: + 44 (0) 782 337 15 11
Fax: -
E-mail: InvestorRelations@scor.com

Kalendarz korporacyjny

Tydz. 31 | 30.07.2024 Raport okresowy/2. kwartał
Tydz. 46 | 14.11.2024 Raport okresowy/3. kwartał

Główni akcjonariusze

ACM Vie S.A.
BNP Paribas Cardif
Norges Bank