Стоимость чистых активов17.07.2024 Изменение-0.0250 Тип доходности Инвестиционная направленность Инвестиционная компания
14.0830EUR -0.18% reinvestment Mixed Fund Worldwide Abante Asesores 

Инвестиционная стратегия

The investment objective of this Product is to provide long-term growth investing, either directly or via third party UCITS and/or UCIs, in a diversified portfolio of world-wide securities. The Product is actively managed through discretionary investments. The Product is not constrained by a benchmark. A maximum of 100% of the total assets can be invested in equity assets or public or private fixed-income assets. There are no pre-determinations concerning distribution of assets or the exposure to currency risk. Investment can be direct or indirect, through collective investment schemes. The Product invests with no prescribed industry sector or market capitalization limits for its Underlying Funds. The Product asset allocation, geographical exposure, currency allocation and the underlying funds selection are tailored in order to ensure that the portfolio is well diversified and invested in the areas where the Portfolio Manager identifies with the better risk-reward characteristics for capital growth. A maximum of 25% of the total assets and liabilities may be indirectly invested in underlying funds exposed to emerging markets. This Product may combine direct investment in securities and investment through financial derivative instruments, if it considers that the combination might better realize the investment objective. The investments underlying this Product do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities.

Инвестиционная цель

The investment objective of this Product is to provide long-term growth investing, either directly or via third party UCITS and/or UCIs, in a diversified portfolio of world-wide securities. The Product is actively managed through discretionary investments. The Product is not constrained by a benchmark.

Основные данные

Тип доходности: reinvestment
Категории фондов: Mixed Fund
Регион: Worldwide
Branch: Mixed fund/flexible
Бенчмарк: -
Начало рабочего (бизнес) года: 01.01
Last Distribution: -
Депозитарный банк: Edmond de Rothschild (Europe).
Место жительства фонда: Luxembourg
Разрешение на распространение: -
Управляющий фондом: -
Объем фонда: 65.92 млн  EUR
Дата запуска: 08.03.2013
Инвестиционная направленность: -


Эмиссионная надбавка: 0.00%
Max. Administration Fee: 1.00%
Минимальное вложение: - EUR
Deposit fees: 0.15%
Комиссионные, взимаемые фондами взаимных инвестиций при погашении акций: 0.00%
Упрощенный проспект: Скачать (Версия для печати)

Инвестиционная компания

Товарищества на вере: Abante Asesores
Адрес: Padilla 32, 28006, Madrid
Страна: Spain
Интернет: www.abanteasesores.com/



