07-02, 11:24 PM (Source: TeleTrader)

Israeli drone strike kills 4 in West Bank's Nur Shams camp


A drone strike carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Tuesday killed four people in West Bank's Nur Shams camp, located near Tulkarem, according to the Palestinian Authority Health Ministry.

The IDF told the Times of Israel that the strike was carried out against a cell of operatives planting a bomb. The military tracked the cell and ambushed the operatives when they began planting a roadside bomb in Nur Shams. The four killed by the drone attack were named by the Palestinian media as Yazid Saad al-Shafi, Nimr Anwar Hamarsheh, Mohamed Yasser Shehadeh and Mohamed Hassan Ghannam.

The location of the strike was some 100 meters away from where an Israeli soldier was killed by a roadside bomb on Monday morning, according to the military source cited by the news agency.

Baha Breaking News (BBN) / KA